asus p6t deluxe v2-onbound sound any good

16 Apr 2009
im currently using an asus p6t deluxe v2 and wondered wether the onboard sound (ADI AD2000B) is any good?
would i notice an improvement if i bought an actual sound card?

thanks in advance

The ADI2000 are quite good, but still dreadful compared with a decent soundcard. Whether or not you would notice a difference depends on your speaker/headphone setup and how picky you are in regards to sound.

That said, you can find used X-FI Xtrememusic cards for 20ish.....probably best bang/buck card you can buy now.
games are my thing.
im connected via optical to a videologic 5.1 sound sytem ive had hanging around for a few years.
i will also be looking at buying a decent set of headphones for night time gaming.
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