**asus Xonar Help - Do i need to leave Dolby Virtual speakers on when im gaming and playing music??

It's entirely upto you, it's your card, have it set the which sounds best to you. :) If I am to offer my opinion, I'd say use it for gaming and movies. For music, I find it not so good, but that's my opinion. If you like it for music, then that's fair enough. :)
I usually just leave it on DH1 or DH2 and have done with it. I don't game with headphones so I can't offer my opinion there but listening to music I find it sounds good for some styles, but detracts from the music for others. Films I leave it on because visually you can see there is a distance from where the sound is, but aurally you can only hear sounds right in your head, DH pulls the sound out so to speak.

But do you need to leave it on for any reason? Nope, just use it when it suits you.
Virtual speaker is the equivalent of Dolby Headphone for speakers. I think it can work but you need to be sitting right in the sweet spot for stereo speakers and probably in an idealised room layout.

They need to be quite decent speakers too or you never quite get the illusion that the sound is coming from elsewhere.

In my experience, it rarely works well but give it a try with surround sound and if the illusion doesn't work for you leave it off.

For stereo music I would almost certainly leave all DSPs off with stereo speakers. If it's well recorded and engineered it will have 3D auditory cues that can be picked up using stereo speakers. Virtual speaker will just mess with that.

I advocate Dolby Headphone use for stereo music because it recreate the soundstage with speakers with headphones.

Now, just checking - OP - you don't mean the speaker shifter do you?
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