Atheists & agnositcs: How do you view religious people?

4 Apr 2009
Do you think they are misguided or naive, brainwashed, stupid etc. or do you respect their beliefs?

Conversely, relgious people, how do you view atheists and agnostics?
There was a time, for quite a long period where I thought they were brainwashed or weak willed in some way.

However, my views since then have changed, now I just tend to ignore them. They just arent worth me spending my time thinking about. I just let them get on with whatever beliefs they have, be it god, the planet being a sentient lifeform, a space spaghetti creature being all powerful or jedi knights worshipping the force. Providing they dont sit and preach at me in an attempt to make me see the "error of my ways" I'm happy and they're happy. Which is a situation that both they and I should be content with. If either they or I arent happy with that situation then I'd say whichever it was had an additional agenda.
Just as I would anyone else to be honest. They have their beliefs and that's fine and up to them, just as I have my own ideas and opinions. As long as they don't proselytize (and this goes for atheists too, and somewhat ironically it's they who tend to be the more aggressive in their beliefs, not the theists).
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In the same way I view anyone really. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs so provided they do not try and push their views on me I don't mind.
I view atheists the same way i view religious people.

I don't mind religious debate i just don't want someone trying to convert me to either side, although the atheists who constantly try to claim that agnostics are actually atheists annoy me.

other than that every group has a majority of decent folk and the odd annoying ****er so judge each person individually rather than their religious beliefs.
Just as I would anyone else to be honest. They have their beliefs and that's fine and up to them, just as I have my own ideas and opinions. As long as they don't proselytize (and this goes for atheists too, and somewhat ironically it's they who tend to do the proselytizing, not the theists).

Pretty much the same i feel as a religious person myself...i dont have any issues with agnostics or atheists...if they choose not to believe in God or whatever then fine by skin off my nose really.
I view atheists the same way i view religious people.

I don't mind religious debate i just don't want someone trying to convert me to either side.

other than that every group has a majority of decent folk and the odd annoying ****er so judge each person individually rather than their religius beliefs.


I don't mind the odd debate, however, when people go onto saying you're crazy then it does annoy me a little. I'm all for sharing belifes and I enjoy explaining to people about Islam, and why we believe in what we do.

But when people are like "LOL YOU R CRAYZ PERSON", then it's a bit annoying.
I've got to know a fair number of Christians recently, and have found them the most accepting, helpful, friendly, caring, and - most surprisingly - not at all in-my-face about anything. I've been happy to think and talk about what they believe, but have in no way had such conversations pushed on me.

I've even found myself quite enjoying church once or twice :)
I, too, regard atheists in a similar light to religious. Their beliefs are typically arrogant, ignorant and illogical. Although they'll both vigorously defend their faith. I see them both as extremist views.

I respect their right to believe, but as for the particular beliefs themselves, I can't say I share them. And a lot of the time I would vehemently oppose.
Religious beliefs (or non-beliefs) are all well and good if someone needs it to get them through the day and they're happy about it but when those beliefs are pushed onto someone else it becomes irritating and unnecessary.
I avoid religion, everyone is entitled to their own belief so long as no one becomes a fundamentalist (or militant about their views), that includes atheism. It really bores me when people push views on others or get into a heated debate where one isnt really necessary (try living in NI for a few years on this principle and you notice a lot of people look down on you for just walking off and not either joining one side or being aggressive because your the other).

My only personal insistence is no one is excluded or disadvantaged by their religious views, that's just a bit rude really... (and why im not impressed by my uni not allowing to give me a none option on my personal information regarding religion)
I used to be Christian up until I was about 15, then I thought it can't theoretically be possible without proof but I can't say because you simply do not know because of how vast the universe is.

The only conclusion I came up with would be the fear of dying and brainwashing as a child, If you're told something at an early age it sticks in your head.

but to be honest, It's their choice in what they beleive. If they corner me and ask me why I'm not a Christian I will most likely state my reasons without getting into any argument.

It doesn't much bother me now, mainly because my sister is in the Choir and don't want to fill her head with anything as she seems to enjoy singing.
Generally based on their personality rather than their beliefs. It's like asking me how I view fans of Man Utd. If they go on and on about their team, and how everyone else is utterly useless, I'll think that they're a pain and won't talk to them, not because of their belief about football, but because people like that are pretty self centred, don't listen, and generally have pretty poor personal skills. If they are decent people, they can believe what they like.
I view atheists the same way i view religious people.

I don't mind religious debate i just don't want someone trying to convert me to either side, although the atheists who constantly try to claim that agnostics are actually atheists annoy me.

other than that every group has a majority of decent folk and the odd annoying ****er so judge each person individually rather than their religious beliefs.

I wholeheartedly agree with Tefal here.

I enjoy a religious debate or ten, but it is annoying that some atheists try to include me (an agnostic) in their little belief structure, or they try to say I am a closet theist, which is just as annoying. If I ascribed to a religion I would say so.

I am an agnostic because I do not ascribe to a certainty point of view, why can't people accept that other have a different viewpoint and leave it at that.
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In the same way I view anyone really. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs so provided they do not try and push their views on me I don't mind.

This, with the addition that I would not take kindly to those that discriminate on others based on their beliefs.

For example, Christians may believe whatever they like, but I will openly oppose any claim that homosexuals are evil.
This, with the addition that I would not take kindly to those that discriminate on others based on their beliefs.

For example, Christians may believe whatever they like, but I will openly oppose any claim that homosexuals are evil.

Some homosexuals are evil.
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