Attempted bike theft!

28 Feb 2006
No longer riding an Italian
I don’t ****ing believe this year so far, and I thought that 2010 was ****e, what with losing my Dad and a couple of relationships! Though, thankfully, nothing so far has been on par with 2010…. hopefully it stays that way too!

Got back from a family doo at 6PM today to find a recycling bin out of place in my back garden – odd I though, as it was far too heavy to have blown there; so instinct tells me to check the side gate.

On initial inspection I don’t fully understand what I am seeing, being dark and all, it looks like I forgot to lock the gate as it was open, but hang on…. the lock is there, and it has been done up, so what the hell…

After grabbing some light I find that the housing for the sliding bolt appears to have been attacked by a crowbar, as it is bent out of shape, not only that, but the little eyelets that the lock can go through, are actually snapped off of the main body of the bolt’s housing!!!

Checking the gate (it’s a big solid oak door) from the street-side, I cannot see any prints to indicate someone had simply booted the gate, but I guess it could have been barged…. although looking at the damage to the bolt, I think that whoever did it has done so with either a crowbar or a big ass screwdriver.

I spoke to my neighbour and he thinks that he heard banging around 2:30PM, so I expect that some scrote saw or heard the bike when I used it today then waiting until I left – scum :mad: Sadly that could be anyone around this area, it’s not the best and part of my back garden is overlooked by a block of flats – heard a bloke out there this morning when I was checking the bike; for all I know he could have had words with his mate Dodgey Dave. Though my Mum works for the Council and there have apparently been a recent spate of bike thefts around this area… great :(

I have checked the bike over and it looks untouched, both the front and rear locks are still in place and ok from what I could see, the front one is passing through the eyelets on my cover, so I would assume that the disc lock is also in place – though I’ve now done the same with the rear; though I appreciate a cover can simply be cut…. here’s hoping the big ass Almax chain can’t though and that the ground anchor holds out!

A top mate has just nipped out and fitted me a new bolt, so if these *holes planned to come back for the bike tonight, then at least they’ll have that to deal with again, I’ll also be kipping with the window open tonight (brrrrr) and tomorrow I’m going to get a couple more bolts and an intruder light.

I know that if they want it they’ll take it, but I can’t be dealing with this **** right now, too much has gone wrong in my life recently, and though it’s just a vehicle and insurance will cover it; it would be nice if life just gave me an effin break.
Two hungry cats will have to suffice :D

Hmmmm, maybe landmines under the fence they must have climbed over...
Pretty cool, but knowing my luck, it'll do an ED-209 on me and give me 15 seconds to drop the crowbar it thinks I have :D

I never said it would allow you near the bike, only that it will keep others away
Reported to the Police last night and got a crime reference, but understandably they wont be sending CSI out, not that I mind or expected anything really – thought it was best to at least report it though.

Gave the garden a good look over today and couldn’t see any indication of where they may have come in, no footprints etc, the bike and cover both seem fine too – thankfully, and as I thought, nothing in the garden was missing… so I think it’s pretty clear it was the bike they were after; just hoping now that after they have seen the physical security I have they wont be back!

Fitted some more locks to the gate, so I now have a total of three padlocks on that lol, I’ve also fitted a motion activated security light – all of which I hope will be a further deterrent, as I know that if they want it they’ll get it :(

Fingers crossed that they wont be back, but time will tell…..
i used to live in a rough place to prevent robbers i put locks on my bike cameras up and a baby monitor near the bike.
Get a tracker fitted if you can afford it or justify it.

My four-week old RSV Mille Factory R was stolen over the summer. Police knew the gang*, as they recognised how they did it from CCTV (it was locked in a NCP car park in front of a CCTV camera). They told me the bike would have been immediately dumped somewhere quiet and out of the way and left for a couple of days to see if a tracker was fitted. If it was still there after 2-3 days, they'd return and collect it in a van.

Bottom line with bikes is, if they want it, they'll have it. We just have to make it as difficult as possible. Proper chains with proper locks (you'll be amazed how rubbish most are). Immobilisers. Alarms. Trackers.

* whilst they knew the gang, they couldn't prove it was them as they were all wearing helmets. So CCTV is NOT worth it. Locks. Locks and more locks. And proper locks. Not Mickey Mouse ones bought from Halfords.
Other than cameras and a tracker, there's not much more I can do.

From what I've heard about the other bikes stolen, they weren't that well secured, as another chap's bike was left, and his was secured much the same as mine - ground anchor, lots of locks/chains etc.

Just hoping that the Almax chain is unbreakable as it's advertised, though I'm hoping I'll never find that out...
Just hoping that the Almax chain is unbreakable as it's advertised, though I'm hoping I'll never find that out...

Unfortunatley NO chains are unbreakable, but the Almax are up there with the best.

If you want to scare yourself, have a search on youtube for bike security and watch dozens of videos of "30 minute Thatcham Approved" etc chains being cropped in under 20 seconds, and those Oxford ones being opened and then locked again using the end of a felt tip pen!

EDIT - it's all here for you (hope I'm allowed to link to other sites?)
They told me the bike would have been immediately dumped somewhere quiet and out of the way and left for a couple of days to see if a tracker was fitted. If it was still there after 2-3 days, they'd return and collect it in a van.

Yeah, thats pretty standard for the cretins. My brother in law had his 2005 Subaru WRX stolen a couple of years ago, they broke into his house while he was out and nicked the keys. There is a road a few miles away from me on the way to Glasgow that is commonly used to dump cars to see if they have a tracker on them or not. It's well known around here but despite that, the crims still use it.

Sorry to hear about the attempted break in Scort, hanging is too good for these scumbags. :)

I've got an Oxford Hardcore going into a ground anchor but it's simply a deterrent as Norbert says.
Unfortunatley NO chains are unbreakable, but the Almax are up there with the best.

If you want to scare yourself, have a search on youtube for bike security and watch dozens of videos of "30 minute Thatcham Approved" etc chains being cropped in under 20 seconds, and those Oxford ones being opened and then locked again using the end of a felt tip pen!

EDIT - it's all here for you (hope I'm allowed to link to other sites?)

That's it, dash my hopes! :p Only kidding ;)

Yeah, I guessed it may have just been sales bluff, but from popular opinion it takes a hell of a lot to kill an Almax chain!

I saw videos on the Almax site like those, in fact, when I had to call them re. ordering the wrong sized chain, the woman I spoke to (very helpful – great customer service btw!) and she told me that most of the manufacturers they featured had threatened to take Almax to court over the videos – she said they simply tell these people that they’ll be happy to go to court, they can try to argue with the judge as they pop their lock in seconds :D

Sorry to hear about the attempted break in Scort, hanging is too good for these scumbags. :)

I've got an Oxford Hardcore going into a ground anchor but it's simply a deterrent as Norbert says.

Tell me about it, I hate the fact that these people have just invited themselves into the garden and destroyed my property, though it would be much worse if they broke into the house and/or got away with the bike! :mad:

I have the Almax on the rear wheel going into a ground anchor; I then have an old ‘English chain’ through the front wheel and a disc lock, all of which can be removed if they’re determined – just hope the risk of noise/being spotted will put them off…
Great... noticed the other day that the back door shuts differently, don't why I hadn't checked before, but today I did - seems these scrotes tried to break into the house too :mad:

They've used what looks like a large flat head screw drive to try and prize the door, but they're either too thick or the door too strong, as they didn't get teh blade/head in far enough to gain leverage as the inside of the frame looks unmarked. Being a plastic door and frame though, both have dents in them, so I've update the crime reference with more info and have the council coming out to take a look at the damage.

I'd love to catch these ******* in the act, but sadly, I'd be the one getting done if I did anything to stop them I bet.
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