30 Jul 2020
Hi guys im just looking for some help, i recently received my pc. I have noticed that the audio on my front panel is either broken or maybe its a type of headset earphones ive got to use? Ive tried 2 different earphones and a headset, basically the sound, sounds as if its underwater for vocals but the actual music is fine. If I pull these devices out slightly everything works fine, i just cant use them plugged all the way in. Is this becuase technically these are not compatible with the jack? If so what type of earphones/headphones should work properly? Or is this a motherboard issue or drivers? Im new to this so apologies, (always been console) Thank you
Connector could well be broken.
That working in some position is pretty typical for their failures.

If you have old style designed for functionality instead of fashion case with 5.25" bays you could look for device with audio connectors.
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