Audio splitters?

7 Jun 2003
I'm after something to do both of the following:

2 x input to 1 x output
1 x input to 2 x output

using 3.5mm connections on both, google seems to fail me, anyone know of any they can point me to? :)

Also can anyone recommend a cheap (<£20 ideally) DVD rack that is tall and thin? again google doesn't really give me much.
The best dvd rack would be the Ikea benno towers. I think they're £14 for a colour of £29 for a wood effect type one.

Try googling 3.5mm splitter. It comes up with plenty for me but i can't link for obvious reasons
2 x input to 1 x output needs either an A/B audio switch, or a mixer.

1 input to two output - either an audio distribution amp or an audio mixer that has multiple outputs.

Have a look at the kind of small mixers that music shops sell. They'll have multiple inputs and dual outputs - one set for the amps & PA and a second set for recording. You might have to ask advice about mixers that can take stereo sources. anyway, here's a starter for 10 to get you under way Behringer Xenyx mixer :)
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