Auto correct samsung galaxy S21

28 Aug 2014
So I've noticed my auto correct isn't acting like it used to, I noticed it a while before I got this phone (previous phone was a galaxy aswell, maybe a 10).

So basically instead of my auto correct picking up on spelling like it use to ie. I would type "ise" instead of "use" it would originally change it to use. Now it doesn't change it and the suggestions in the top bar only suggest things with the same first letter "i".

Can anyone explain why this might be happening.
Need to check if the keyboard is the same as your old phone, I had to change mine as the default one was different to my last phone. Also possibly look at keyboard settings. I am now using gboard which has the option of auto correct as you type under settings.
ive fiddled with it a little bit and yes it seems its added extra settings on the keyboard so its unticked settings i already had set from years ago. i was sure i had checked previously to see if something was missing and nothing seemed obvious, it all looked like obvious settings when i went in a checked before.
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