Yesterday my PC slept itself whilst I went and watched some cricket at our local club, when I returned and woke it I found the mouse and keyboard (MS Laser 6000) were both dead. Rebooting did not help so I dug out an old Logitech wireless set to check whether it was the keyboard / mouse receiver at fault. This also failed to work over USB. Okay, USB must be borked on the mainboard, but no, several other devices work okay.
Getting more puzzled than ever, I then connected it using PS2 adaptor for the keyboard and it started working. OK, nothing up with the keyboard & nothing up with USB.
However, nothing I could do with either desktop set would make them work over USB. I reset the BIOS to defaults and tried re-installing the MS drivers, but no avail. Finally this morning whilst preparing to flash the bios it occured to me to plug them into a powered USB hub device (my Dell monitor) and hey presto, they work fine again. A final check by trying to charge a PS3 controller over PC USB confirmed my fears - no power coming from any of the the ports.
So the upshot is my MB appears to have stopped providing power over USB. Given that this seems to have failed with no human intervention I wondered whether the fault is fixable. Long term it's not really an issue as the Dell has 4 powered ports, but it's still a mystery how it blew as it's not as if anything was being plugged in or out when it went.
Anybody had a similar fault who can offer a possible fix ??
Getting more puzzled than ever, I then connected it using PS2 adaptor for the keyboard and it started working. OK, nothing up with the keyboard & nothing up with USB.
However, nothing I could do with either desktop set would make them work over USB. I reset the BIOS to defaults and tried re-installing the MS drivers, but no avail. Finally this morning whilst preparing to flash the bios it occured to me to plug them into a powered USB hub device (my Dell monitor) and hey presto, they work fine again. A final check by trying to charge a PS3 controller over PC USB confirmed my fears - no power coming from any of the the ports.
So the upshot is my MB appears to have stopped providing power over USB. Given that this seems to have failed with no human intervention I wondered whether the fault is fixable. Long term it's not really an issue as the Dell has 4 powered ports, but it's still a mystery how it blew as it's not as if anything was being plugged in or out when it went.
Anybody had a similar fault who can offer a possible fix ??