Awesome amateur footage from a rescue squadron in Afghanistan

4 Feb 2004
Fife, Scotland
IDK if this has been posted before, some amazing footage and soundtracks to a deployment of CSAR - Combat Search & Rescue guys over there in the 'Stan:-

Slideshow from the same guy, pics from over there :-

Great vids but I'll have to catch 'em properly later. The music for the first at least is really over-sentimental, but hey it is from the septics!

Thanks for linking.
Just to make you all jealous, in the second video where they are flying low over the rooftops with the door wide open - I've done that :D
Cool vids, a little over done, but cool none the less.

Nice to see some brit yank camaraderie in teaser 2.
Great videos! Not sure he is quite an amateur though going from the comments - he's done quite a few films for recruitment etc. which is why he ended up with a Red One 4K (lucky chap!).
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