Awesome Skydiving Footage - Check it out !

Nice vid, get it on!
Which DZ is that filmed at?

Keep meaning to start a thread for all us regular skydivers, maybe get a meet going or something.

EDIT: Having watched the rest of the vid, it's not guys from Imperial in the vid then! Nice line twists at 13:40!
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I am on 56k so I can't watch it, but I'm guessing there's a lot of head-down flying and even more beer at the end of the clip :D
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Thats the most outstanding skydiving vid i have ever seen. Makes me want to fly :)
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I've only got RAPS training done at the moment (the one that doesn't involve any freefall, i.e. your chute opens as soon as you jump out the plane), but eventually I want to qualify to "bird man" level.

Will take a lot of time, money, training, and cojonés, but its the closest thing to being superman me reckons! :D
Heofz said:
I've only got RAPS training done at the moment

If you are jumping from a porter (or any other plane where you do not hang from the wing support) do not jump out, as this will make it a bit harder to get a good arch. Instead, use your left hand (assuming you are jumping from the right door) as a lever to push all of your body out. Are you on dummy-pulls yet? :)

p.s. make sure you practice this on the ground and discuss it with your instructor!!
Id love to Skydive but I could never bring myself to do it, even watching that video makes me feel a bit sick! At about 13:40 into the film he deploys his parachute and it gets all tangled/twisted, does he cut it loose and use his reserve? Cant really tell!
Yeah, it's just bad line twists (image sitting on a swing and spinning yourself round - the parachute lines are intertwined like they would be on a swing). Happens all the time, though not normally that bad!
He cuts away - you can see the cutaway and reserve handles in his hands, with the teflon cables.
If you are jumping from a porter (or any other plane where you do not hang from the wing support) do not jump out, as this will make it a bit harder to get a good arch. Instead, use your left hand (assuming you are jumping from the right door) as a lever to push all of your body out.
We didn't really "jump" out as such; basically we sat with one arse-cheek on the edge of the doorway, one hand in front and the other holding the inner edge of the doorway, and we basically slide-shove ourselves out of the plane, arching asap... yelling as loud as we can: "1000...2000...3000...4000....Check Canopy!" :D

Are you on dummy-pulls yet? :)
p.s. make sure you practice this on the ground and discuss it with your instructor!!
Nah haven't really been able to do that yet, though I've been to the DZ a few times, I was under the impression we only practice dummy pulls when training on AFF, not RAPS (could be wrong though, it's been a long while since I've done any, and I'll probably need a re-train)

Id love to Skydive but I could never bring myself to do it, even watching that video makes me feel a bit sick! At about 13:40 into the film he deploys his parachute and it gets all tangled/twisted, does he cut it loose and use his reserve? Cant really tell!
Normally if your lines are all twisted like that you can kick your legs to untwist (just like you were twisted on the swings in the playground as a kid), but he seemed to have a lot of spinning momentum which meant the twists kept twisting more and more. He only decided to use his reserve after he realised that he couldn't untwist like before.
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