Baby due now and she is not happy

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27 Jan 2003
Our baby is now 1 week overdue, and with this heat, I have one very unhappy hormonal pregnant lady near me. Another night of huffing, puffing and cussing.
Just thought I can share my grief ;)
Andr3w said:
apparently sex when shes overdue can help bring the baby out

(and i mean with her :o )

Yeap, it help to relax the muslces and kinda "train" it ready for the D-day. It is recommended from 7 month or so...
Well knowing the missus,if the baby is anything like her, I can garuantee <sp?> that it will make an appearance at 2pm on Sat to stop me watching footy !!! But due to modern day technology, she can text me how the labour is going :D
rayer said:
Our baby is now 1 week overdue, and with this heat, I have one very unhappy hormonal pregnant lady near me.

Could it get any worse :p

Oh wait, it could...she could give birth right now :p
rayer said:
Well knowing the missus,if the baby is anything like her, I can garuantee <sp?> that it will make an appearance at 2pm on Sat to stop me watching footy !!! But due to modern day technology, she can text me how the labour is going :D

Run a live web video?

My Gf is pregnant too and she's thinking of having it recorded and auction it on ebay :eek:
rayer said:
Our baby is now 1 week overdue, and with this heat, I have one very unhappy hormonal pregnant lady near me. Another night of huffing, puffing and cussing.
Just thought I can share my grief ;)

i was in the same position as you till about 4 hours ago. my g/f started getting contractions. she was a week overdue yesterday. itll be anytime now.
ElRazur said:
Run a live web video?

My Gf is pregnant too and she's thinking of having it recorded and auction it on ebay :eek:

I know, I bought the conception vid last week :D
rayer said:
Our baby is now 1 week overdue, and with this heat, I have one very unhappy hormonal pregnant lady near me. Another night of huffing, puffing and cussing.
Just thought I can share my grief ;)

Take her on a drive down a cobbled street I tells ya.
ElRazur said:
Run a live web video?

My Gf is pregnant too and she's thinking of having it recorded and auction it on ebay :eek:

lol are u serious?

Anyway good luck rayer!!! Im sure your littlen will be on the way soon! Someone I work with has a wife who is a week or so overdue! She went into labour last week, cos they thought her waters broke, but then after a few days in hospital they think she might of just wet herself :o
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