Baby Fight Club

the little girl fight was upsetting IMO, I have a 10 year old sister who I wouldn't want to fight, let alone a 5 year old little girl, who IMO clearly didn't want to be in that ring
It's plain sick, but then so are a good deal of programmes that C4 make nowadays. People aren't shocked like they used to be, hence in order to entice the viewing figures they're resorting to worse and worse topics. E.g. "The [Wo]Man who has...." series was nothing more than "ooh freeeak...." :/
is this channel 4 actually hosting this event or doing a documentary on one that exists?

As i would have thought this would be child abuse/illegal?
The parents want their kids to fight with full contact to the head! These parents are crazy!

I feel so sorry for these kids. They shouldn't be doing this, they are CHILDREN!!
so is this just like that thing that was one the news with those women making the children fight bare knuckle and betting on it?
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