Baldurs Gate 1 Expansion

Enhanced edition isn't great graphics, it's s slight upgrade on the old version but don't go expecting super definition. Play it at normal zoom though and it more than does the job. Few tweaks and additions with quests and the like so whilst you can tell its BG there are enough little bits to keep it fun. Then add the expansion and that is fantastic.

I'm on chapter 3 of my replay right now, just farming a few levels before I go hunting the bandit camp. Such an amazing game!! :)
This has been released for those interested, can directly import Baldurs hate EE characters into it.

Apparently it's a buggy mess though and a lot of reviews saying hold off until it's fixed :(
It seems many of you don't follow the gaming news much :p

Because of this character, a *** storm is brewing.... It's Bioware all over again,



Tax0nomical1 day ago

What........ The......... Actual........ ****

Some people.
I don't understand the issue.

So what they introduced a transgender character, are epeople so simple they don't want to acknowledge the fact that there are transgender people or something?

It's a non issue.
So much moaning for nothing. Games shouldn't make political/religious points? Why the bloody hell not?? You can find that in every other form of entertainment, from books to films or stand up comedy.

Games are part of our culture now, they are not just toys for children so expect them to continue to make similar points, even if they fail spectacularly.


Yes it was a pretty poorly executed and not very subtle point which could have been better but that doesn't excuse the vitrolic response which has the whole thing stinking of misogynistic lunatics (and I hate the whole mysoginistoc labelling ****) wanting a reason to unleash abuse on anyone who doesn't fit their stereotype.

Standard internet moron behaviour.
A good point that was made on another site is that trans people do not fit the world the Sword Coast.

There are potions of gender reassignment, and there are items/artifacts which can change your gender. Perfectly.

Therefore, there is no reason for a trans person to exist in the world of BG. It seems the developers either didn't know this, or deliberately ret-conned the lore to allow them to insert a trans character.

That is in itself a pretty silly thing to do.

Or not every person on the sword coast has enough gold to buy a potion like that? Hardly like they have universal healthcare and a society that focuses on such issues :p
Do you want all video games to give you a narrative about the social issues du jour?

How about a section in every video game where you have to listen to a ten minute monologue about trans issues.

You'd be fine with that?

I wouldn't be. If you want politics you can always watch Newsnight. Or join a lobby group for an issue you feel strongly about. Become an activist.

Instead of this silly "let's have political agendas in our entertainment - bring it on!" nonsense. It achieves nothing. It's just a way for the PC to show people how PC they are by agreeing to be bombarded from every direction with all these different "injustices".

If Pong was written today, the bat would lecture you for 10 mins on why you shouldn't judge the ball for being gay but still wanting kids. Appropriate? If you say so.

If you think games aren't giving a narrative on life be it overt or covert you are so incredibly niave.

And a 10 minute monologue? It is a couple of lines, get some perspective and have a word with yourself though I am sure you won't as its a perfect smoke screen to act like a juvenile.

I'm out though, people like you can never be reasoned with.
I thought he was engaging in a lively debate with you on matter over which you both disagree. If by "can't be reasoned with" you mean "won't agree with my side of the argument", by all means leave the thread :p

Personally I think this is all a load of chuff. If the writer wants to bring her own viewpoints into a game she presumably wants me to buy, don't expect me to cough up my money to have PC issues rammed down my throat. If they are happy to have lower uptake on their game because of it and therefore lower (if any) profits, they can knock themselves out.

No it's the internet all over rather than foxeye in particular, people plant their flag and that's that, st least IRL there can be reasoning on the Internet there never is so I just avoid post wars as they are pointless :p though I'm sure he feels the same about the situation :p
I agree, I love a good debate but not over the Internet as there's no real discussion it's just people unloading back and forth. IRL I love a good discussion more tan anything else, especially when people are quite fundamentally opposed. Love arguing with my mates feminist missus who is extreme left, that's always interesting :D
Excellent memories of this game as a youth.

Is the expansion any good then? Don't give a crap about transgenders or social justice warriors being offended.

Apparently there are a lot of bugs, I'm leaving It for a month or two until they've fixed them then I'll be buying it.
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