Bar staff jobs

2 Oct 2003
I know the manager of a nightclub and he may very well offer me a job next week but I have no experience serving cocktails or even pulling a pint.

Some staff flip and toss bottles and glasses all over the place which would make me look poor in comparison. Is something like this difficult to pick up?

Although I used to be a heavy drinker and have tried many cocktails myself, should I make myself aware of the most popular drinks that people have so I know how to make them?

What other advice can you give to this newbie? :)
Chucking glasses around takes ages - don't bother, just serve pints and cocktails (which aren't hard to pick up, just ask people working with you what goes in them), pints are the easiest thing in the world to pull.
Maybe you wont be seving drinks?
Maybe hell stick you in the bakc room washing stuff? Or cleaning toilets etc
Working in Nightclubs aint all glamore and E ya know :p
Watch out for your ears. A mate was a barman for a short while in a nightclub, and he said it was knackering his hearing.

Don't bother with the spinning/throwing/catching bottles and glasses thing. It looks rubbish to start with, and when you invariably get it wrong (seen it happen a good few times) everybody laughs at you, and you look like a right show off!
the most important things are to get the drinks and money right, flair will come with time, customers would rather get the right drink quickly for the right money than watch the bar man massage his ego.
If you the sort of person that only needs to be told once how to do something and can think on their toes then Bar Work is easy.

You will have most of it within a few shifts and don't worry bout being fancy, no manager should expect you to learn that.
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