Barclays current account monthly statements

9 Apr 2004
Nr. brumijum
Basically i'm just wondering if it's possible to ask for statements dating back over time?. I.E. I would like to gain statements for every month of the last 2 years, but alas of the statements sent out to me I only have a few.
Anyone with any experience?.
They probably do, but like most pages they'll charge you something stupid like £10 a page.
I assume youve partially been reading the other thread? ;)

I say partially as it says in there somewhere that you can get copies of past statements (not sure of time period) for a mandatory £10 or something. :)
I have indeed been reading the other thread. Being as my charges are in excess of £1500 in the last 2 years i figure it's worth a shot (i was playing silly student).
So the £10, this would be for each month?. Dagn, that's quite a lot of £10's. My plan is falling apart, i can feel it slipping through my fingers :rolleyes: .
when i was with natwest i could just ask the nice lady at the enquiries counter to print me off the last 4 years worth, which she did with a smile! ( either that or she had to hots for me ) :D
I recently sent Barclays a letter asking for a statement showing all their interaction (charges etc) on my account. They replied saying here you go and sent all the statements for free. If I remember correctly they sent statements showing everything. It was a rather healthy envelope to say the least.
HSBC do this for free if you go into a branch and ask them for them. I would assume that Barclays do it for free too, but I've not had to ask Barclays so I can't guarantee that they do. It's worth a shot though :)
benneh said:
I have indeed been reading the other thread. Being as my charges are in excess of £1500 in the last 2 years i figure it's worth a shot (i was playing silly student).
So the £10, this would be for each month?. Dagn, that's quite a lot of £10's. My plan is falling apart, i can feel it slipping through my fingers :rolleyes: .
No it's not £10 a month, it's £10 for the whole lot.
It's £10 max for each request, so request up to 6 yrs worth and send a cheque for £10; make sure it's labelled Data protection act request.

for sep by step instuctions and a lot of info.
singist said:
It's £10 max for each request, so request up to 6 yrs worth and send a cheque for £10; make sure it's labelled Data protection act request.

for sep by step instuctions and a lot of info.

thats not too bad then

one other thought is that if you sign up to internet banking you can usually print off your own historic statements with many banks ( no idea how far back you can go )
Rotty said:
thats not too bad then

one other thought is that if you sign up to internet banking you can usually print off your own historic statements with many banks ( no idea how far back you can go )
I can go back 26 months with FirstDirect
Yep, as mentioned by one or two people, you can request a list of transactions and charges made to your account over the last 6 yrs by sending a Data Protection Act Subject Access Request to your bank.

NB: They do not have to send it in any particular format (IE: You can't actually demand statements, but as that is generally the format they're stored in that's what you'll get.

Most they can for this is £10 total.
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