Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Got BF3 a few weeks ago and love it so far! :D

Been playing on my clan's server - just search LSF, we have a 64 player conquest and a 16 player squad tdm. :)


I can hear his giggles!:p
with communication ?

That there is none, and information is trickeling out via twitter and other unofficial means.

Just get stuff posted up on the news section of battlelog like they did in nov / dec.

There was almsot daily updates there as to what was going on. Now theres nothing.

No I was more after what the issues were with the game?

People are talking about lack of communication regarding issues, as far as I can see the game is pretty bug free?
Just because it seems bug free doesn't mean there are no problems with the game. Some weapons are overpowered, some are underpowered. Some vehicles are worthless, some are worthless to even try and take out. Etc.

EA are deliberately tight lipped. They release a game with little content, then release DLCs with just enough stuff in them to make everyone buy them. They also make them backwards incompatible, also deliberately, to coerce everyone to buy them. They don't care about anything else. They don't actually care if the game works or not, as long as the purchases still continue. Frankly, it's a waste of time to even bother hoping this will change, let alone spend the amount of energy some waste at actually being angry at EA.

However - on the grand scale, there's plenty of fun to be had playing BF3. The ratio of "things that are broken" vs "things that are not broken" is way, way, way in favour of the latter.
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-Unguided tank rounds and RPGs will now instantly destroy Jets, Attack Helicopters, and Scout Helicopters.
-Increased the damage the MBT's primary weapon does to the front and side armor of other main battle tanks. Primarily this means 1 less shot to the front, and very good hits to the side can result in a 1 hit to disable.
oof. Some are not going to like that :p
-The MAV can no longer be used as an elevator.

I can hear Recon players through out the world groaning.

-The M224 Mortar can no longer be deployed in an area that is out of combat for another team like a home base or other protected spawn.

-The MAV can no longer be used as an elevator.

I can hear Recon players through out the world groaning.

-The M224 Mortar can no longer be deployed in an area that is out of combat for another team like a home base or other protected spawn.



-The MAV will now be destroyed when running into a soldier or vehicle at high speed. It is still possible to strategically sacrifice your MAV on a soldier; it will be destroyed in the process.

no more MAV road killing. yay !
This stuff

Looks like they finally listenned.

*edit* beaten like a ginger stepchild.

They have completely screwed the jet pilots over again :(

1. -Unguided tank rounds and RPGs will now instantly destroy Jets, Attack Helicopters, and Scout Helicopters.
2. -Increased the locking distance for AGM Missiles for Jets when locking on laser designated targets.
3. -Reduced the locking time for the AGM Missiles for Jets to make them more viable against ground targets.
4. -Reduced the locking time for AA Missiles for Jets to make them more viable against air targets. [Like they weren't viable in the first place!!!!]
5. -Flares for Jets and Choppers now reload at 11 seconds again, except for the gunner, which remains unchanged at 20sec. [Does anyone know what the current lock on time is??]
6. -AA Missiles are more difficult to dodge in Jets, this was unintended behavior that created an imbalance against skilled pilots. [This is a huge setback IMHO]
7. -AA Missiles should no longer detonate before hitting their target or a Flare/ECM chaff cloud.
8. -Reduced the damage AA missiles do to jets to 45%
9. -Increased the speed of the Helicopter AA missiles lock on to reduce the tedious nature of Helicopter dogfights and improve the Helicopter's defensive abilities vs Jets.
10. -Slightly reduced the damage of Jet cannons against Aircraft. Damage is now only slightly higher than it was originally at launch.
11. -Jet and Helicopter collisions should now properly result in the death of both vehicles.

If you look at these changes, the mobile AA is going to be unbeatable. GG EA.
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-Mines, Claymores, C4 and other deployable items will now only appear on the minimap when spotted by a teammate

Finally putting it back to how it should have been.

Auto spotting of them was stupid and made them pointless.
cant knock them on the changes if 80 percent of those work correctly then the game will be massively better.

oh how the vehicles whores will be pwned :D (youll need to learn to use your guns now :p)

this game could be even one of the greats with those changes :cool:

very pleased and about time .
Holy Moly, thats a big list of updates.. no sign of a loading screen bug fix but its not a complete list as of yet. At least there is 'some' communication.

Looking forward to taking out helis though.
-Flares now more reliably distract missiles, especially for Helicopters.


I have never ever had a missile be able to defeat flares. They seem to have a 100% reliability rate.
Interesting that flares no longer break the lock on. So does this mean that if I lock onto a Jet and the n00b panics and fires flares straight away. The stinger continues to stay locked on and I get a good hit? I like this much.
Interesting that flares no longer break the lock on. So does this mean that if I lock onto a Jet and the n00b panics and fires flares straight away. The stinger continues to stay locked on and I get a good hit? I like this much.


combine this with:

-AA Missiles are more difficult to dodge in Jets, this was unintended behavior that created an imbalance against skilled pilots.

and we're actually going to be able to take down jets i hope.

Raven is going to be fuming :D

also this

-Jet and Helicopter collisions should now properly result in the death of both vehicles.

is hugely welcome. Its long been the scourge of any decent chopper pilot - jet pilots ramming into him and sending the chopper into an instant irretrievable dive while the jet pilot carries on unaffected.
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