Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

From BL

IRNV is bugged atm. Also no one should use smoke grenade / flash bang atm. They crash client PC's most of the time but can also crash servers (GGWP).

Found a great server the other day with 120% Health. It is a partial fix to the current horrific netcode. I for one am really looking forward to some "Classic" servers, 100+% health, no 3D spotting etc. Tried HC yesterday..omg it is such a broken game mode, no minimap, no hitmarkers -_- ...TK'd by
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Well I am getting a load of crashes, but just to rub salt in, any round where I do really badly it skill has gone down over 100 points today, nice....
haha that was an awesome shot you got! :D

That is probably my second favourite thing to do in this game (first being the love boat with the TV missiles :p), shooting helis/jets down with a tank shell/RPG :cool:

Have you got the sabot shell yet? It is stupidly good for pulling of aircraft shots although I am going to go back to the HE shell due to the extra damage.

haha yeah, I like how that flag point works (shame the map is pretty damn terrible though....), you can also capture it from underneath the railway, also there is a remote controlled explosive device near one of the antennas which you can use to detonate a massive explosion on the train/railway so will kill anyone near it, bit like the cruise missile that commander gets.

out of all the stuff im trying to do with leveling up i havnt been in a tank yet apart from spawning on you (even tho you drive off when im trying to rep you bugger :D) I'll get round to it in time i suppose. I'm having too much fun with boats and keep getting drawn back to paracel and hainan resort to use the tv missile. Racked up some superb points this morning over 1000pm but hadnt used an xp boost for fear of crashing.

Crashes are a pain but it sounds like people are getting a lot more than I am. I guess its my clean pc with no clutter ;)
Too many snipers
Admin Abuse
Weapons that don't fire when you are trying to shoot and full ammo as if the game doesn't register you hitting the mouse button
Shots that don't register
Team mates who crash helicopter's just to transport themselves

List goes on
IRNV is bugged atm. Also no one should use smoke grenade / flash bang atm. They crash client PC's most of the time but can also crash servers (GGWP).

Found a great server the other day with 120% Health. It is a partial fix to the current horrific netcode. I for one am really looking forward to some "Classic" servers, 100+% health, no 3D spotting etc. Tried HC yesterday..omg it is such a broken game mode, no minimap, no hitmarkers -_- ...TK'd by

How on earth do you come to the conclusion that it's broken? It's a better state of play than normal in my opinion. People sponging half a clip on normal takes the michael, two or three shots tops on hardcore is much, much better!
The Battlefield 4 single player experience

Watch it on youtube, EA/DICE are a joke! Yet well done people for buying full price premium "clap"
Too many snipers
Admin Abuse
Weapons that don't fire when you are trying to shoot and full ammo as if the game doesn't register you hitting the mouse button
Shots that don't register
Team mates who crash helicopter's just to transport themselves

List goes on

As said previously, I'm a firm believer in EA/DICE issuing some sort of standard procedure for administration of their servers. I think there peoples stats are involved, Admins shouldn't just be allowed free reign to pick and choose their own rules regardless of them paying for the server.
Our server, linked by Stument earlier, Men of Honour is well admined. We've kicked a few people to make way for paying players but we only do it to 'neutral' players who haven't started playing yet. So far, AFAIK we've yet to kick anyone for K/D or suspicious play. I don't think anyone has even been kicked for racist language either.

We had huge trouble with game server and their servers crashing all the time. Moved to i3d and crashing much reduced. Join us!
Our server, linked by Stument earlier, Men of Honour is well admined. We've kicked a few people to make way for paying players but we only do it to 'neutral' players who haven't started playing yet. So far, AFAIK we've yet to kick anyone for K/D or suspicious play. I don't think anyone has even been kicked for racist language either.

We had huge trouble with game server and their servers crashing all the time. Moved to i3d and crashing much reduced. Join us!

Will check your server out. I think it's nearly impossible to kick somebody confidently for 'suspicious play' unless you have real experience catching cheaters and understand how they work. Just playing a lot and knowing the game isn't enough to base a decision on who is a cheater.

I'm personally a hater of servers that kick for bad language. So what? Somebody said a few nasty words. For as long as bad language is built into the game routinely, I will continue to type swear words in the chat.
shows you how bad i must be then when i havent been kicked by an admin yet :p

To be fair all the moans about this game were thrown at BF3 also, in terms of admins bein a bit kick happy and too many snipers etc.

For me personally it seems everyone in the game picks engi so they can bugger off in a vehicle to themselves, kill a few peeps then sulk off into the distance to repair it.

Whats better about that tactic than someone camping on a building?

For me if im paying for a game ill be sure i play it how i want and EA/Dice limiting the amount of a certain class on a map isnt the way to fix the problem.

Theres fewer pleasures in FPS games greater than taking revenge on a camper so you either deal with the problem or get on with your game. The same people i see complaining about snipers are prob the same people getting snipped continually trying to get to their rape spot, its just a different kind of rape :)

Like wise with bad admins, if i find a server where the guys are tools im clearly not gonna go back there, its not like theres a shortage of servers.

Once they get this CTD issue fixed the game will settle down, people will learn their maps, noobs will be noobs, campers will be campers, vehicle whores will be vehicle whores etc etc. Its the way of the FPS.

Im pretty sure that the only people loving this BF4 launch will be Activision as i wouldnt be suprised to see some players jumping to Ghosts
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