Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

Anyone getting the memory leak on Win 8.1?

One of mates bought the game today and can only play about 2 rounds before his game grinds to a halt. System needs reboot after. Seen a few "fixes" such as using win7 compatibility mode but was wondering if you guys know of any others?
The last two nights bf.exe crashed on the map change from resort to parcel storm (64), coincidence?

I hope they get the crashes sorted soonish as i'm starting to really enjoy the game now (although still think most of the maps are meh v bf3).

In others news, can anyone hit anything in the stealth jets or do i suck? (Assuming it's the latter as i usually avoid anything that flies!)
Whats a good medium/long range weapon?

depends on the class I suppose but as Recon I use the SKS or M405A with RDS or Holo.

My current weapon of choice is the QBS-09 shotty with 12G SLUG rounds which minces players up close and one shots peeps at range :D
Anyone's game still freezing with sound loop which needs task manager to it down? Not a full system freeze?

I've seen a lot about it on the EA forums but that seems to have gone quiet.
Anyone's game still freezing with sound loop which needs task manager to it down? Not a full system freeze?

I've seen a lot about it on the EA forums but that seems to have gone quiet.

Constantly. I also get a DirectX error now and then. Re-installed and tried beta drivers where possible. It's a bit better. Some server I find have my game crashing more than others, regardless of the number of players.
Anyone's game still freezing with sound loop which needs task manager to it down? Not a full system freeze?

I've seen a lot about it on the EA forums but that seems to have gone quiet.

Yes I get that.
also the memory leak bug.. game grinds to a halt. task manager shows memory and disk over 90%

and game crashes when tower in shanghai collapses.

3 problems I get
Did a bit of playing around with the jets last night.
What is up with the stealth jets? I swear I'd have an easier time taking out enemy air assets if I could pull back the canopy and spit at them. I know it would be unbalancing if they did too much damage to ground troops/vehicles, but aren't these things meant to be about air superiority?

I kept doing attack runs on a scout helicopter and I couldn't take it down, using the main cannon and heatseekers! The guys could repair the damage faster then I could dish it out. They were a bigger threat to me then the other way around, because I couldn't risk going near them unless I had flares ready, it didn't matter to them.

Also learned that stealth coating is worthless compared to gyro stabilizers, that extra 0.01 lock on time isn't worth spinning out of control when you get hit by a lockon.

Now the attack jets, boy those are fun!
Ok thanks chaps.

I've found its typically worse on larger conquest maps like shanghai etc. It will be totally random when it freezes, either 1minute in or 30mins.

TDM, SQDM, Rush maps seem to be ok.
Having big visual glitches today. Keep spawning in the middle of buildings that you aren't supposed to spawn in or even run into, including spawning into the sea below a bridge!
So I caved and reinstalled, no more than 5 minutes into a round and the game crashes.

Not been able to get more than 5 mins in without a crash for a while now :(
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