Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

Lmao I saw you wipe out that jet. Thought you were just using the Stinger or IGLA and that I was just using them so terribly wrong. Can't wait to unlock that now. Does it 2 hit kill choppers?

The funny thing is I got 2 kills for that 1 rocket so not sure where the other kill came from! :D Think there was a badly damaged heli or tank near it.

Can't remember exactly but I think the SRAW does the same amount of damage as the RPG, so two to take a heli out, thankfully most of the helis I encountered last night had already been damaged!
For the love of god, if you are a SL then get some orders down!

if your a squad member feel free to prompt the SL for orders, cos sometimes people leave/disconnect and someone else can be dropped into the SL role and not know it (holds hand up as guilty numerous times :( )

I'm pretty sure I've been counter knifed from both the side and the back tbh
I've tried mashing knife key, E, clicking, nothing... Would love to know how to counter knife lol

thought that was just the beta and they changed it to front only, and also reduced the amount of time you have to respond.
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Ok mate thanks, I'll say what class I play :P Assault looking for a decent medium/long range assault/carbon what should I get?
First of all hi to everyone on the forum being this my first visit.
I have stumbled upon this BF4 benchmark where it states that W8 is a far better solution for this game.

I am running W7 64 bit and i have awful stutters from time to time, and my real question is: is it really worth it to go through all that trouble in order to get this damn game to work properly?
Has any of you switched from W7 to W8 just for this game and what are his thoughts?
Is it worth it?
i am getting chills just thinking about that horrible Metro, etc...

It really helped me in the beta and the game has been running really well. You can download the preview at no cost IIRC.

Anyone getting the memory leak on Win 8.1?

One of mates bought the game today and can only play about 2 rounds before his game grinds to a halt. System needs reboot after. Seen a few "fixes" such as using win7 compatibility mode but was wondering if you guys know of any others?

Seems to top out at 6gb for me.

This game is **** and favours ***** with crap connections

Rage much?
I'm pretty sure I've been counter knifed from both the side and the back tbh
I've tried mashing knife key, E, clicking, nothing... Would love to know how to counter knife lol

"pretty sure" :p

You can only counter knife attacks from the front, I am 100% sure.

The key to press is F
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