BB Competing

27 Sep 2004
After a year in the gym I'm getting to the stage now where I'm seeing good results and I'm very pleased with my size and progress. I seem to be naturally gifted genetically - packing on muscle easily whilst retaining low bodyfat.

Just after some ideas really, I've seen a lot of competitions talked about for America, muscle models, natural bodybuilding and whatnot. Some very generous rewards.

Not sure if it's the road I'd like to go down but there's no harm looking into it :)

Is anyone training with the eventual goal of competing? Any information would be great. :)
Tbh theres no real money to be made in it AT all. Unless your pro but even then getting to that status takes a lot of money and health risks. I know plenty of pretty high up grade 1 bbers, they aren't getting any money back for it, and tend to be broke all the time from all the spending on food, supplements, and other..supplements.

Natural bodybuilding theres nothing in to be honest lol.
if your doing it for yourself, then great.

If your doing it for money, as said previously you will only be out of pocket.

It's a shame really because the amount of hard work, dedication it takes and you get nothing back really. Then you look at footballers on 100k a week lmao.
It's a shame really because the amount of hard work, dedication it takes and you get nothing back really. Then you look at footballers on 100k a week lmao.

It's supply and demand, there's a huge demand for footballers, nobody could care less about a bodybuilder. That's how economics works.

It's the same as formula 1 drivers who get paid 10,000 times more than a rally driver.
Thanks for the replies guys! :)

Tbh, I was looking at the entire prospect through rose tinted glass. I'm so use to watching the natural pros like Rob Riches on YouTube and thinking the game must be relatively rewarding when he's driving around in Range Rovers and Bentleys. This of course, isn't the route I want to go down, bodybuilding isn't something I want to pursue but if there was a chance of being rewarded mentally and financially for my efforts every now and then, I thought that would be worth looking into.
It's a shame the 'sport' isn't more widely recognised and appreciated. But it's not particulary suprising with the state most members of society have gotten themselves into. Awful diets, terrible lifestyles and ridiculous attitudes. Much rather sit down the pub scoffing pork scratchings and watching overpaid ponches kick a ball about for insane amounts of money.

'Assisted' BB'ers probaly don't present the best role models (in regards to pumping yourself full of gear which can be dangeous in itself) however natural BB'ers ,if they were broadcast more commonly, could be inspiring to a lot of people.
Thanks for the replies guys! :)

Tbh, I was looking at the entire prospect through rose tinted glass. I'm so use to watching the natural pros like Rob Riches on YouTube and thinking the game must be relatively rewarding when he's driving around in Range Rovers and Bentleys. This of course, isn't the route I want to go down, bodybuilding isn't something I want to pursue but if there was a chance of being rewarded mentally and financially for my efforts every now and then, I thought that would be worth looking into.

his kitchen is tiny, i doubt those cars are his, if they are then he is an idiot for buying cars worth more than his home.
I don't see that it would inspire a lot of people.

What inspires fashion? The crazy stuff on the catwalk
What inspires motors? The crazy concepts at the shows.

What inspires body builders? The crazy freaks on stage at things like Olympia.

Shifty - it is highly unlikely that you are naturally gifted. You probably have a better all round regime than others around you. Being realistic there for you fella.
True, I guess I meant raise awareness of health & fitness but in reality the majority of people just don't give a toss unfortunatley which explains the small following BB has in comparison to other sports.
his kitchen is tiny, i doubt those cars are his, if they are then he is an idiot for buying cars worth more than his home.
You've got a point. I was just using him as an example, it wasn't something I wanted to pursue as a career or whatnot, it doesn't appeal to me at all in that sense, was just wondering what avenues were available for rewarding hard work time in the gym.
Shifty - it is highly unlikely that you are naturally gifted. You probably have a better all round regime than others around you. Being realistic there for you fella.

That's probably true :)
True, I guess I meant raise awareness of health & fitness but in reality the majority of people just don't give a toss unfortunatley which explains the small following BB has in comparison to other sports.

The level of fat that they have and the low water in their body is not healthy though and should never be promoted as such.

I can see what you are saying, just BB'ing is not the way for it imo.
Fitness and strength shows are the way forward tbh
shifty - the only money for those outside of the top people is from modelling really, which is a shame.
Oh, and muscle worship (there are a few webcam services where you get paid a little money these days!!)
The level of fat that they have and the low water in their body is not healthy though and should never be promoted as such.

I can see what you are saying, just BB'ing is not the way for it imo.
Fitness and strength shows are the way forward tbh

Yep, I was thinking this. That the majority of pro's probaly aren't actually that healthy come show time!

Deffinatley agree with that. Looking foward to the lifting at the olympics :)
Yeah, if you do have a natural talent for putting on muscle you'd probably make more money as an underwear or full body model (if your face is good enough). I'd probably wait until you were at least 2 years into training before you can say that you have a natural talent for bodybuilding.

I haven't seen your pics or stats, but it's the people like B1C3P, who is abnormal, that go on to be proper bodybuilders. Getting to 18 inch arms in a year like he did is the sort of freakishness you'd need to get anywhere as a bodybuilder (assuming B1C3P hasn't used gear).
Yep, I was thinking this. That the majority of pro's probaly aren't actually that healthy come show time!

Deffinatley agree with that. Looking foward to the lifting at the olympics :)

that guy who did the "i want to be that guy from the ads" documentary, did an interview afterwards, about how tired he was and he could barely do anything, when he was down to extremely low levels of bodyfat. he said it would be impossible to maintain on a regular basis and he couldn't live life like that.
I haven't seen your pics or stats, but it's the people like B1C3P, who is abnormal, that go on to be proper bodybuilders.

Well, I've held my gym membership for 13 months now, prior to that I had a set of dumbbells in my room.

Here's some of the pics I posted last year:




and more recently:



I've put 1.5 stone on since and still relatively lean.
He couldnt, just like 'off season' pros don't live like that. I'm sure I have read many times of people that have come off stage after a posing session and collapsed
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