BC xbox360 update out now

21 Oct 2002
West Sussex
For those that are interested - June 2006 Back Compat titles added:

1. 4x4 EVO 2
2. Amped® 2
3. Bad Boys 2
4. Big Mutha Truckers
5. DOOM 3®
6. Dreamfall: The Longest Journey
7. Fatal Frame™
8. FlatOut™
9. Grabbed by the Ghoulies™
10. Intellivision Lives
11. LEGO® Star Wars®
12. Minority Report
13. MLB SlugFest 20-04
14. The Punisher™
15. RalliSport Challenge
16. Silent Hill® 4: The Room
17. Spawn® Armageddon
18. Spider-Man
19. Star Wars Battlefront™
20. State of Emergency
21. Zapper™
This is nuts! They seem to be going for the easy to emulate games which no bugger plays. I want them to finish the Prince of Persia trilogy, Fahrenheit, Brothers in Arms. *moan moan*

EDIT: At least Peter Moore has changed his tune now.

Moore clarified that "we're going to get darn close to that stated goal of every title done," bringing this whole issue almost entirely full circle. You can listen to Major Nelson's podcast here.
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Also for japanese consoles:-

1. Bistro Cupid 1
2. Flight Academy
3. Othello Seminar
4. Igo Seminar
5. Shogi Seminar
6. Mahjong Seminar
What a load of crap wheres outrun 2, shenmue 2, timesplitters 2 or 3??

Out of that entire list of games is there 1 (bar maybe doom or star wars fanboys) that anyone gave a damn about playing on 360?

Something which I feel was an oversight on M$ part is the fact they have to write all the backwards compatibility stuff for the games old or new meaning no sensible soccer BC with this update, surely letting the games own developers integrate BC into the game would save them some grief?
Major nelson did state in one of his early podcasts that the BC team from the start will be focusing on the easier games firstly as the updates for them can be rolled out quicker. It's not easy to emulate nvidia/intel calls on a powerpc/ati machine.
The only one I want is NBA inside drive 2004 and thats not gonna happen due to Microsofts special agreement with EA. We won't use our sports games as they show just how bad yours are.
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