Beers of the World 5 - Round H

8 Nov 2013
In the pub
Hi everyone,

Rules: Beers of the World - Mk 5 *** RULES AND SIGNUP HERE ***

H - Holiday - A reference to a public holiday – Xmas, Easter, etc..


*Charlie Bravo 57
Weringo 49
Ahleckz 47
Russinating 47
*Touch 45
Executive Beef 44
Mike the Native 44
Sonea Fifer 44
Repta 42
Bickaxe 41
Martynt74 40
Lysander 38
Feek 6

*Jester played



I hope this round was as interesting as people thought it would be.

@Lysander & @Repta entered beers with far too tenuous a connection so I couldn't give you anything.
@Charlie Bravo played a well timed Jester for maximum points, well done (even if you didn't like the beer)
Special mention to @touch for being clever with his entry and also to @Martynt74 as my independent Catholic adjudicator wanted to give you an extra point for your beer. But she's not running this, I am, so no extra point.

Next round: I - Ireland - Made in Ireland (26th June)

Bonus Points - 1pt for Most Total Check Ins
Woohoo. Out of last place :D (@Feek doesn’t count)

Took a 40 minute each way journey and ringing round a few beer shops asking for ideas to finally find something.
My Entry was delicious. BrewYork are one of my favourite breweries, pretty much everything they do is really good.


And here's something for @Feek
Its about time I tipped it as I've not touched it for a while

Thanks for accepting mine @Bickaxe ! I'm sure my question makes sense now... I couldn't actually believe we were only 1 of like 3 other countries not to celebrate an independence day.

Anyway, glad I didn't have to settle for a Christmas beer from the cellar.

This week's is paired with the aptly titled and coloured Yesterday's Gone by Loyle Carner.

Oh man.

Christmas gin - sloe gin - You even gave me a big hint that even you'd got a bottle of Christmas gin. Surely when I said I would be submitting gin that you guessed it would be sloe gin.

I was wrong though, it wasn’t sloe gin that you had.

I couldn't find any specific holiday related beers so went for a plain old bank holiday:

I couldn't actually believe we were only 1 of like 3 other countries not to celebrate an independence day.
That's because most independence days are for people celebrating getting away from us! :p
This weeks entry cost me £13 and tasted like Liquorice allsorts. I didn't like it at all, so downed it because of the cost :D
I was worried about playing my jester, but glad I did.


I had huge problems finding anything, none of my beer shops sold anything appropriate. I was actually going to drive to St Andrews to get a St Andrew Brewery beer but my hangover put shot to that idea.

Found this in a Mexican specialty food shop of all places at 3pm yesterday. Yet to open it.

Congrats to all who managed to get an entry, a very tough round!!

Dammit, I was really hoping I would squeeze through with mine. Fair enough though, I was surprised that my local beer shop had no beer that referenced even Christmas, but no, they didn't.

This one was my entry for Round H:


Playing it fairly safe with a Christmas related one - nice one @touch for thinking outside the box :cool:

Mine is still in the fridge awaiting the 15:00 Italy / Wales kick off :)

Some interesting beers posted this week and it's good to see the first Jester played as well. :)
My Entry was delicious. BrewYork are one of my favourite breweries, pretty much everything they do is really good.

Now that’s a nice beer. I went down to a local shop that usually has a good selection of BrewYork beers specifically to see if they had Fairytale, sadly (although luckily for my score) they didn’t.
Aww I though DIY Dad was good, considering the day and everything. Even came in a Father's Day Gift Box!

Is not a public holiday though.

Not sure why some bonus points are awarded as one, and some two?

Its a coin flip, heads is 1, tails is 2.

Just seen next week's bonus point. That's evil given the category. Who's going to risk it :D. I mean you'll probably neutralise it anyway given the bonus for @Bickaxe's friends non-checkins.

I'm tempted just to mess with you all.
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