Hi everyone,
Rules: Beers of the World - Mk 5 *** RULES AND SIGNUP HERE ***
O – Orange - Ingredient or name must contain Orange
*Weringo 102
*Charlie Bravo 96
*Repta 94
Ahleckz 91
*Executive Beef 88
*Touch 87
*Bickaxe 84
*Martynt74 81
Mike the Native 81
Sonea Fifer 80
Russinating 76
Lysander 49
*Feek 18
*Jester played
I was not sure on this theme as I had no idea how many beers contained Orange. Seems quite a few.
@Russinating gets the bonus this week for his entry, nobody even came close.
I had played my jester on this one, more on that below.
Next round: P - Porter - Simply enter a Porter (14th August)
Bonus Points - 1pt for Lowest Untappd Score (NA beers will not count)
Rules: Beers of the World - Mk 5 *** RULES AND SIGNUP HERE ***
O – Orange - Ingredient or name must contain Orange
*Weringo 102
*Charlie Bravo 96
*Repta 94
Ahleckz 91
*Executive Beef 88
*Touch 87
*Bickaxe 84
*Martynt74 81
Mike the Native 81
Sonea Fifer 80
Russinating 76
Lysander 49
*Feek 18
*Jester played
I was not sure on this theme as I had no idea how many beers contained Orange. Seems quite a few.
@Russinating gets the bonus this week for his entry, nobody even came close.
I had played my jester on this one, more on that below.
Next round: P - Porter - Simply enter a Porter (14th August)
Bonus Points - 1pt for Lowest Untappd Score (NA beers will not count)