A friend of mine owns a rig with an 8150 in it. Other day he was saying how 8150 was better than the I7 and destroyed I5. after i sent him some benchmarks comparing the I7 and I5 to the 8150 for gaming purposes he soon saw it was other way around. (bless him)
his next argument was that the 8150 was so much cheaper than the I5 so wasn't worth paying extra for the I5.
i then put my neck on the line and said i reckon the I3 Ivy could boss the 8150 and keep up with the 8350 but struggling to find any benchmarks to prove this. has anyone got any links to sites with a direct relation and comparison between the 8150/new 8350 and the IVY I3?
Hes also just forked out for 16 gig of ram and wasn't happy when i told him he should cancel order, and get some faster 8 gig ram. as he only does some light gaming and will struggle to use 8 gig never mind 16. so would ebenfit more from faster ram rather than more...
his mid set seems to be quantity over quality, all he raves on about is 8 cores@ 4.6 ghz and now having 16 gb of ram 1600mhz. wheras id prefer i5 4 cores @ 3.4 and 8 gig of 2400 mhz ram
Anywho , any bench marks appreciated thanks
his next argument was that the 8150 was so much cheaper than the I5 so wasn't worth paying extra for the I5.
i then put my neck on the line and said i reckon the I3 Ivy could boss the 8150 and keep up with the 8350 but struggling to find any benchmarks to prove this. has anyone got any links to sites with a direct relation and comparison between the 8150/new 8350 and the IVY I3?
Hes also just forked out for 16 gig of ram and wasn't happy when i told him he should cancel order, and get some faster 8 gig ram. as he only does some light gaming and will struggle to use 8 gig never mind 16. so would ebenfit more from faster ram rather than more...
his mid set seems to be quantity over quality, all he raves on about is 8 cores@ 4.6 ghz and now having 16 gb of ram 1600mhz. wheras id prefer i5 4 cores @ 3.4 and 8 gig of 2400 mhz ram
Anywho , any bench marks appreciated thanks