BenQ XL2411T Faint Horizontal Lines Across The Screen

15 Jun 2003
I received my Benq XL2411T yesterday and have noticed very faint lines running horizontaly across the screen from the top all the way down to the bottom. Anybody any idea what is causing this & how to sort it out.

What GPU are you using and do you observe the same at 120Hz rather than 144Hz?

Using a 7970 Matrix Platinum, happens at both 120 & 144hz.

When viewing the forum which is different shades of blue the lines will appear in a slightly lighter blue to the blue that is been displayed if that makes sense.
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I observed something similar when reviewing the monitor. I think it is some sort of bug with certain settings. In my case it went away after fiddling with a few things and it only affected the far left side of the monitor. Try disabling `Instant Mode`, turning the monitor off and on again. See if you still see this pattern. Enable instant mode again if you like.

Will give that a go, I can't seem to find "Instant Mode" :p

edit.....found it
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