Best 24 incher for approx 150

Just purchased the iyama ProLite E2407HDS, should arrive tomorrow. Will let you know what its like when i get it! Also has good response times for gaming if you ever do decide.
I would be in interested to see you review/thoughts too dfarrall. I have been looking at these monitors and I do a bit of gaming. Please let me know how it goes.
If you're not interested in gaming, you may want to consider an IPS panel.

I couldn't find any 24" IPS monitors for that price, but there are a couple of 23" ones you should be able to get for less than £150 at the moment if you hunt around...

AOC i2353Fh 23 inch LED Monitor review
LG IPS235V IPS LCD LED 23" HDMI Monitor review
+120Hz options, lowest reponsetimes, most options, cheapest
-Worst viewing angles, least accurate colors

+Deepest blacks, better viewing angles, better colors
-No 120Hz options, Some have black crush issues and/or ghosting issues, limited options, slower response times

+Best viewing angles, best colors
-No 120Hz options, IPS glow, limited options, slower response times.

With limited options I mean the number monitors to pick from. Can be a big deal if you have specific demands such as a certain screen size/resolution combination and/or a preference for a glossy or matte display. With a £150 budget the only options available are 60Hz TN displays afaik. Drop an inch and some of the cheaper IPS displays such as those linked above are an option.
I would be in interested to see you review/thoughts too dfarrall. I have been looking at these monitors and I do a bit of gaming. Please let me know how it goes.

Very pleased with it i must say. I was using a 32" tv before so my thoughts may not be that of somebody who is swapping from a normal panel.

No noticible ghosting in games, very smooth. A hugely noticible difference from the TV. I use the speakers and dont find them too bad acutally , although will be purchasing some others i think.

I cant comment on colors outside of gaming tbh, after using a TV there are a lot of problems setting them up correctly and i did not bother, so my colors were off anyway.

Sorry to hijack thread OP.

Benq G2420HD is a great monitor imo and was one of my other choices.
Very pleased with it i must say. I was using a 32" tv before so my thoughts may not be that of somebody who is swapping from a normal panel.

No noticible ghosting in games, very smooth. A hugely noticible difference from the TV. I use the speakers and dont find them too bad acutally , although will be purchasing some others i think.

I cant comment on colors outside of gaming tbh, after using a TV there are a lot of problems setting them up correctly and i did not bother, so my colors were off anyway.

Sorry to hijack thread OP.

Benq G2420HD is a great monitor imo and was one of my other choices.

Why did you go for the E2407HDS over the E2409HDS ?

Went for the Benq in the end. Seen people, using it for gaming eyefinity set ups on youtube, so it cant be bad!
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