Best 32" LCD - Sony or Panasonic?

21 Dec 2004
So far i've narrowed it down to either the Sony KDL 32D3000 or the Panasonic TX-32LXD70. Spec wise they're nearly identical, with the Sony having 1 more HD output. Most of my viewing will still be done at SD.

Which out of the 2 would you guys recommend?
There's a comparison of 32" TVs in the new What Hi-Fi out today.
Includes these two models IIRC.

Without having read up on them I'd go with the Sony purely for the extra HDMI socket and the fact it's a Bravia.
Pointless going off What Hi-Fi review, their pratically sponsored by Sony these days.

I would reccomend you take a trip to your nearest electrical shop, they should have them both and you can see which picture you prefer.

I did that, came back and ordered a Panasonic, but each to there own.
IMO, the D3000 is far better then the LXD70 or 700.

Both are grat though, and you should be able to pick up an LXD70 for quite a bit less then the other two.
I've got the panny 32LXD70 "100hz" here and its the best lcd tv I've seen so far. Brilliant IQ, very clear, bright and sharp with gorgeous colours. I've had 6 lcd tvs since chrimbo 2005 and this is the best I've seen/owned.
Don't take my word for it, go and organise a demo with a DECENT input on both dvd playback and sd content (sky box input as well if possible.
I've seen the panny in action as my friend has one. Beautiful picture quality with bright colours. I went to comet a few days ago and spent a long time looking at both tvs. Seeing as though I've seen both in action, with the picture quality practically the same on both, I think the decision will come down to which I think looks better!
just make sure you see it displaying all sources, thats what really swayed me towards the panny, the freeview picture was head and shoulders above the rest. and thats what gets used most on it for me.
Honestly the best thing you can do is go demo them yourself. As you can see already from this thread and loads like it, people just push the TV they have bought. Just about everyone here will tell you their particular TV is best on freeview/SD and gaming ;)

All you can do really is try before you buy :)
Ah the dilemmas...! I think i'll take another trip to the local store tomorrow to demo them both with the various input signals. I'll let you know how I get on :)
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