best battery life nokia/se (faster the better)

21 Oct 2002
Parts Unknown
right then

i'm due an upgrade soon, currently have a w810i, love the long battery life, but the huge fonts and slowness of the phone really annoy me

after something quick like the later 6230's (not the i version), n70 was super slow (had that before the 810i)

any new phones (se's if poss) that have super battery life, and are quick phones (as in go through menu's quickly, without animations if possible) -would consider going nokia again if i had to

don't care about camera
"Slowness?" W810i is the K750 in walkman mode, both have display acceleration. Unless you run it with animated background or java applications running permanently in the background the W810/K750 duo were one of the fastest colour phones ever made. You want even faster? :eek:
My friend gave me their W810i for a day to put mp3s on it - so had a play with it and found the sony to be much slower than my Nokia 6233. I also perfered the OS of the Nokia. Nokia OS's are to Apple as SE are to Microsoft IMO!
as i said, the 6230 i used to have was bombing fast (can't remember what firmware it was now, but it was super quick)

i don't use backgrounds, and i delete as much as possible from the phones i get

plus you have to admit the font size on the 810 is just a joke, i loved having one 'full text' to a screen on my 6230, but the battery life wasn't the best, and it wasn't as tough as my 810
Well if you liked the 6230 then you will love the 6233 - it has everything that made the 6230 great but more!

Think of a W810i.... add a bigger higher res screen - better keyboard - fast nokia os - VERY loud sterio speakers then you have the Nokia 6233.
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Vegetarian said:
Well if you liked the 6230 then you will love the 6233 - it has everything that made the 6230 great but more!

Think of a W810i.... add a bigger higher res screen - better keyboard - fast nokia os - VERY loud sterio speakers then you have the Nokia 6233.

i definetly agree, i have the 6233 myself and i LOVE IT! Nokia rarely disappoint with their 6 series, from the 6310 to 6230 and now the 6633 :D
Paras said:
Yah i also went from the 6230 to the 6233. Really really nice phone.

I am now thinking about the 6300

6300 is not as good as the 6233 - I lacks 3g suport, sterio speakers etc - but its a tad thinner - not that the 6233 is big.
my work gave me a 6234 when I started (vodafone 6233)

it was so ugly, plasticy and generally crap I gave it back and went back to my w810.

Horses for courses to be honest.. since then I've been through k800, m600, k610, p990 and I'm now (suprisingly even for me) happy as larry with a nokia 8800.

You want to try a slow mobile try a p800 or a t610.

And don't tar a phone with the name "slow" until you've tried a standard gsm variant, my k800 (as with all my phones, I buy sim free) was gsm standard and it flies whereas my colleagues on orange and voda are so full of their crap they drag along very badly.
it does make you wonder whether the phone is itself running slowly or if it's the vendors additional software that's been forced upon the handset that is slowing it down.
matt100 said:
Horses for courses to be honest.. since then I've been through k800, m600, k610, p990 and I'm now (suprisingly even for me) happy as larry with a nokia 8800.

I've found the same, not really too worried about batterylife as I can get to a charger most places, but its darn fast!
Vegetarian said:
Well if you liked the 6230 then you will love the 6233 - it has everything that made the 6230 great but more!

Think of a W810i.... add a bigger higher res screen - better keyboard - fast nokia os - VERY loud sterio speakers then you have the Nokia 6233.

my mum has one, battery life aint as hot as 810i
matt100 said:
And don't tar a phone with the name "slow" until you've tried a standard gsm variant, my k800 (as with all my phones, I buy sim free) was gsm standard and it flies whereas my colleagues on orange and voda are so full of their crap they drag along very badly.

i had it debranded, still slow

unless there's a super fast theme (no animations would be best) someone can link me to? :) -cleaner the better
got the 6233 - came from the 6230. its got awesome battery life - I charge it once every 4 days or so and call a lot of people. never ran out of battery since i got it in October

Brilliant phone :)
810 lasts about 10-14 days, i just hate the large fonts and the themes are all animated, downloading a theme editor now so hopefully i can strip the crap out of it
bledd. said:
810 lasts about 10-14 days, i just hate the large fonts and the themes are all animated, downloading a theme editor now so hopefully i can strip the crap out of it

thats just rubbish unless you only have it on for office hours and never touch it.4-5 days max on 24 hours with no usage in my experience of having several (ex SE employee)
had it charged fully on the 28th, been using it loads over the weekend, texting and calling

has 15% battery left
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