Best excuses for getting out of things?

1 Jun 2006
Well whats best excuse youve used to get out of a sticky situ .

ive used up all my sick days so im calling in dead
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Sorry I need to take my fag break! (always seemed to be an excuse of an old collegue when there was work to be done).
Im usually honest about it.

"Im not coming back to your class cause its ****......em boring and i've got work later"

"I cant come in because im ill" cause i actually couldnt say i was out on the razz
Jonny ///M said:
Im usually honest about it.

"Im not coming back to your class cause its ****......em boring and i've got work later"

"I cant come in because im ill" cause i actually couldnt say i was out on the razz
So not being honest at all then? :confused:
Jonny ///M said:
Well the second is as honest as i can be on the phone to them but they and i both know why im phoning in sick. Procedure tbh
Its still not honest though, is it?


Marked by or displaying integrity; upright: an honest lawyer.
Not deceptive or fraudulent; genuine: honest weight.
Equitable; fair: honest wages for an honest day's work.

Characterized by truth; not false: honest reporting.
Sincere; frank: an honest critique.

Of good repute; respectable.
Without affectation; plain: honest folk.
Virtuous; chaste.
My cat ate it, sorry.
Me an the other half were having a bit of a domestic argument last night, and things got thrown. Unfortunately, one of those was my laptop, so no, you can't have that report today.
Gilly said:
Its still not honest though, is it?


Marked by or displaying integrity; upright: an honest lawyer.
Not deceptive or fraudulent; genuine: honest weight.
Equitable; fair: honest wages for an honest day's work.

Characterized by truth; not false: honest reporting.
Sincere; frank: an honest critique.

Of good repute; respectable.
Without affectation; plain: honest folk.
Virtuous; chaste.

"Rite 'en"
I slipped over in the shower and smashed my balls on the tap. I'll call you when I can walk again.

Note: only works if you are male ;)
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