Best galaxy s 2 ROM??

20 Oct 2011
Hi all. Ive had my galaxy s 2 for over 6 months now and like it. I previously had the first version and messed around flashing custom roms which greatly improved the peformance of the device.
I havent bothered with SGS 2 as it was fast enough and im currently running android 2.3 standard rom. I was wondering if anyone would reccomend a newer tweaked rom out there. ive been browsing but there are soooo many now and i will be using go launcher ex on it as i like that launcher.

Just looking to get a bit of extra peformance out of the device so it still feels fresh as can be to me.

Any advice would be most appreciated.
Id wait. The Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0 source was released the other day, shouldn't be too long until someone compiles it for the GS2, it brings full hardware acceleration to the OS where Gingerbread only had partial.
Id wait. The Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0 source was released the other day, shouldn't be too long until someone compiles it for the GS2, it brings full hardware acceleration to the OS where Gingerbread only had partial.

what the hell is that???? i willl have a look but never heard of that.

Its the latest version of Android, Gingerbread is 2.3.x and ICS is 4.x and is meant to bridge the Phone OS of Gingerbread with the Tablet OS of Honeycomb 3.x.

Basically its going to take advantage of GPU in all the phones to make it a more smooth and faster experience. Where Gingerbread 2.3.x was only partially making use of the GPU.
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