hi guys i got a new lg 42ld450 tv yesterday and wondered what the best way to connect it up is ? by the way my son pulled all the leads out of the old tv so im starting from scratch . so my eqmt is 1 hd tv as above with 2 hdmi sockets , 1 sky+hd box and a hd dvd player , i connected the sat dish lead to the tv direct ,the sky to hdmi 1 and hddvd unit to the no2 hdmi plug on tv i could get every thing to work except the sky remote wont adjust the volumn or mute , how do i sort this ?
should the rf lead be plugged into the sky box and then the tv from sky or direct to the tv . my old set up had a mixture of scart /hdmi leads but i wanted to keep things simple this time.
apols for the drawn out post but i need the best setup with the ariel and sky remote set up please, thanks
should the rf lead be plugged into the sky box and then the tv from sky or direct to the tv . my old set up had a mixture of scart /hdmi leads but i wanted to keep things simple this time.
apols for the drawn out post but i need the best setup with the ariel and sky remote set up please, thanks