best hdmi /scart connections on new lg42ld450 tv ? help

12 Aug 2003
hi guys i got a new lg 42ld450 tv yesterday and wondered what the best way to connect it up is ? by the way my son pulled all the leads out of the old tv so im starting from scratch . so my eqmt is 1 hd tv as above with 2 hdmi sockets , 1 sky+hd box and a hd dvd player , i connected the sat dish lead to the tv direct ,the sky to hdmi 1 and hddvd unit to the no2 hdmi plug on tv i could get every thing to work except the sky remote wont adjust the volumn or mute , how do i sort this ?
should the rf lead be plugged into the sky box and then the tv from sky or direct to the tv . my old set up had a mixture of scart /hdmi leads but i wanted to keep things simple this time.
apols for the drawn out post but i need the best setup with the ariel and sky remote set up please, thanks
Sound like you have it all setup as I would..

SKY HD into HDMI 1 on the TV
HD-DVD into HDMI 2 on the TV
Aerial lead straight into the TV (Not really needed, if you have Sky, why bother with the TV's own built in tuner?).. but I guess you might as well plug it in!

There is no need for SCART leads or plugging the Aerial through the SKY Box!

All you need to do is re-set up your SKY HD remote to control your new TV.

You can get the SKY HD Manual from SKY, , On Page 71 it shows you how to set the remote to control each brand of TV..
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