Best monitor for Age of empires, Total war games?

9 Aug 2020
Hi :)

Am I right in thinking that a widescreen monitor is best? As it will allow me to keep an eye on my defences and troops for clearly?

I have up to £1300 to spend

I will buy a high-end graphics card afterwards.

I suppose I just want the best and not bothered about cost, bigger the screen the better really

Buy AW3821DW best choice for your needs. Best response times because of variable overdrive (over whole g-sync range), best colors, best viewing angles, best ag coating among uw screens, best format because of 3840 x 1600, 3 years warranty with direct exchange at your door step.

You can also use all features of the g-sync ultimate module with AMD graphics, if want to buy one :). The vrr capability allows it.
21:9 (wider view) is far better as 16:9 for this type of game and has 2 mio. pixel less for rendering. Otherwise there are no good 2160p monitors out there, especially for 1300 GBP.

@Helen Barber

For AW3821DW with G-Sync from 1-144 hz it's possible to use your 3060ti well.
The Total war games can be a punishing game for any GPU (and CPU for that matter) given the relatively poor optimization of the Warscape engine. My 5900X/3080 Ti FE delivers about 95 fps at 4K at Ultra settings and about 140 at High settings for an older game such as TW: Thrones of Brittania. For TW: Three Kingdoms though that falls to just 55 at Ultra and 85 at High at 4K. I'm not convinced therefore that a 3060 Ti would be able to deliver an average framerate above 60 fps at High settings in 4K for TW:TK. What happens when TW: WHIII is anybodies guess but we really need CA to do some optmization.

In that sense, if you are going to buy a 3060 Ti as a GPU, I don't see that much point aiming for a 4K monitor. You definately won't need a high refresh 4K monitor. Instead I'd go for a 16:1 or 21:9 1440p monitor or a 21:9 1800p monitor. It will take some strain off the GPU.

I've got a Dell U3219Q (a 16:9 32in 4K 60Hz professional monitor) and a Dell AW3821DW (38in 21:9 3840x1800p 144Hz gaming monitor). TW looks great on both to be honest and I switch between them depending on how I feel but if I had to choose one for TW it would be the AW3821DW. Nicer for the battles!
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