Best NF4 chipset drivers and bios for A8n-E

25 Mar 2004
Built my bros new comp recently with the spec :

Opty 144
Hiper 480W PSU
Asus A8n-E ultra
Corsair (TWINX1024-3200C2PT)
Sapphire x800 GTO
Seagate Barracuda 80GB

and my spec contains the same mobo. I've been having problems with my comp BSODing on me even though everythings at stock, and just wanna know whats the best drivers to get for the Chipset and the best bios to update to for some light overclocking and good stability?

I'm probably gonna take this opportunity to reformat my drives and start on a fresh install, updating both comps as much as I can before I throw my brothers comp back his way.

thanks a lot :)
did you not do a fresh install? what chipset did you come from? as per original question I'll be finding out the best BIOS and chiposet drivers later this week
yes I did a fresh install on mine, and my brothers has had a fresh install of win xp, but I want to update his bios and such so I can test stability with it being overclocked. He's picking the comp up tomorrow evening so need to get everything on there asap :)
I'm just using the 6.70 AMD NF4 drivers from nvidia and the 1010 BIO from ASUS flashed through windows.

but my ethernet controller didn't work so I had to use a separate NIC
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