BF 2 - I cant Unlock!

9 Aug 2004
Milton Keynes
I have just got to the second unlock and when i log in onto my account it says i can unlock a weapon but theres nothing to unlock?! Help

it might be something to do with their systems mate, i wouldnt panic just yet as theres been a lot of people having problems logging into their accounts, me included actually.
Chill young noobs of BF2.
There are always strange happenings going on prior to a new patch being released.
Always check when you log in that your stats are there as if zero any you earn will not count. On the other hand if your stats are there and you play then don't worry if they don't show immedietly as they will count.
Also if you are disconnected during a round and reconnect you will still have the stats showing.
Sometimes i have waited days but still got them in the end. Relax and play and let them sort themselves out.

On a personal note i cracked the 80k mark a few days ago.

You should see the look on my face when i log in and it says Zero points and to play on ranked servers. :p
It's happened a few times but just relogging on sorts it out.
I was playing BF2 yesterday as support, was doing really well, and got awarded a badge and a ribbon, so by the end of the round I'm feeling really chuffed and pleased with myself. I exit BF2, go to, only to find that I already have them :confused: :mad:
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