BFG 680i Code 25 Issues

3 Jan 2007
My lovely new BFG 680i SLI has now decided to not boot, returning error code 25 (shadow system/video bios) error. Tried changing gfx cards, swapping slots, swapping out memory and changing slots there too, and now BFG are RMAing it. Many other people come across this? I'm just a bit worried as it was booting fine, and I have a second untested board for my server that kight go the same way. I can't find much on Google about all this and have learnt to expect similar from brand new hardware but it is depressing... :(
enigmo said:
My lovely new BFG 680i SLI has now decided to not boot, returning error code 25 (shadow system/video bios) error. Tried changing gfx cards, swapping slots, swapping out memory and changing slots there too, and now BFG are RMAing it. Many other people come across this? I'm just a bit worried as it was booting fine, and I have a second untested board for my server that kight go the same way. I can't find much on Google about all this and have learnt to expect similar from brand new hardware but it is depressing... :(

It's a common problem. Have you read the EVGA forums?
I had the same problems with my 680i board, what make of gfx card are you using? I had no problem once i had changed from ATI to NVIDIA.
But it refused to post at all with any decent ATI card :confused:
I have had no problems since :D the change.
Ah, no. I don't think I came across the EVGA forums in my extended Googling, but I did see mention of EVGA being aware of such problems and offering to RMA any boards. BFG mailed me back and said, and I quote:
"The motherboard has to be sent in to us. The BIOS error is a hardware problem."
So regardless of any home-fix, if it is a known hardware problem in a new board, I want it replaced.
hessman- I tried two different ATI cards in different slots. I didn't have an nVidia PCIe card handy to test so I don't know if that might have worked, but thanks for the suggestion anyways :)
The board has been sent back now. I've been told that BFGs RMA service is quite quick, so hopefully I shouldn't be without too long. Now I just have a second 680i at home to test and see if I have another RMA in my near future...
I know, I had the same, my board was RMA'd to the retailler it was purchased from and they viewed as not a fault at the time. I was without a pc for 7 weeks whilst I tried vairous other items of the pc, it might have just been down to an incompaibilty with the 2 Ati cards I had to try. But certainly there have problems with these boards. But hope it gets sorted.
So, I found tonight that the second BFG I bought at the same time, so presumably from the same batch (model #s match anyway), has exactly the same problem. Two RMAs to BFG in as many days. I'm going to find a quiet corner and seethe for a bit... :)
enigmo said:
So, I found tonight that the second BFG I bought at the same time, so presumably from the same batch (model #s match anyway), has exactly the same problem. Two RMAs to BFG in as many days. I'm going to find a quiet corner and seethe for a bit... :)

Maybe it is some sort of incompatibility with the BFG and ATi cards, as I got mine the same time as you and I've only used it with an NVidia card.
Both mobos back, both work, problem solved. No clue as to what the problem was in the first place, but there we are...
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