Bigfoot, the original one :D

24 Jul 2006
Hoddesdon, London, UK
Any ideas on what a solid red light means on a 4Gb (yes) Quantum Bigfoot disk? Trying to recover some picture data for a friend whos found it in the loft after maybe 17 years. Due to the size i can't slot it into my IDE USB slot load so i've got it hooked up to an old PIII board i had laying about. Theres a solid orange/red light on the pcb, i can hear and feel the spinup but no detection. Only ever had a Bigfoot TS 6Gb many years ago which i got rid of quick due to it being spectacularly slow so my experience is limited. Pretty sure the jumpers are set to master..guess its dead? :(
Thanks for that, forgot who eventually got Quantum in the end, was it Maxtor/Quantum that merged then Seagate acquired if i remember right?. Yes i had it that way, seems like the drive needed some warming up after all this time as after several spinups it started to flash green :D Copied all of the data from it and gave my friend. God, digital cameras were horrible back then, apparently all of those files were from a Sony Mavica Camera that used floppies for storage :o Thanks for checking :)
Good lord, I had one of those back in the Pentium Slot One days. I'd forgotten that monstrosity of cheap engineering existed (even though it was all I could afford at the time!)
Yep i encountered one in an IBM Aptiva K6-2 266Mhz machine for the first time and was amazed what a difference there was when i put a proper hard drive in, forgot what the proper hdd was now, maybe a 4Gb fireball.. same machine got a 17Gb WD172AA a few years later before retirement and the user was happy. My own 6Gb was bought for data storage but even at that it was too slow and sold off quick.
I had a 1Gb Quantum Bigfoot in my P200MMX 32mb ram (the first PC I bought with my very first job!) even overclocked it by changing the jumper to a 233MMX . . . . I didn't even know what I was doing at the time really!

They were notorious at the time. Mine was a Special Reserve PC and it failed after 11 months. The bloke came out, said, Yup, all these drives fail around the 12 months of use mark, said I can give you a 5Gb drive for £25 wink wink. So I did :D
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