Biggest waste of celluloid ever?

25 Oct 2002
Having just had the gut-wrenghingly, bowel-looseningly awful experience of watchin "The Legend of Zorro" on DVD, it's about time for your recommendations of the worst films that you have seen.

This needs to be the stinkers - the ones that made you walk out of the cinema - the ones that made you microwave the DVD, or give it to your Gran for Christmas.

  1. Young Einstein
  2. The Legend of Zorro
Blair Witch Project. The only lasting memory was a headache. Build up the tension. Then don't even use it!
I'd nominate Cabin Fever as one of the worst I have ever seen, ignore the IMDB rating the only reason it should get any marks at all is because an ex-Power Ranger gets her kit off and even then it is still a pitiful film with no sense of tension and a complete lack of storyline or direction.

Ghosts of Mars was also pretty dire when you consider some of the other films by John Carpenter.

Oh and special mention goes to Crazy Beautiful for being the only film that I have really wanted to walk out of and this from someone who actually quite likes Kirsten Dunst films in the main and has yet to leave a cinema early ever. :o
I'm probably going to cause a fuss here, but i'd have to say Platoon. Boring, nonsensical rubbish consisting of 2hrs of watching guys talk in the jungle. Boring as hell and totally over-rated!
Sic said:
i REALLY enjoyed that film. one of the best teen horror films i've ever seen. i even saw it twice, and it was just as good the second time.

From now on I fully intend to ignore all your recommendations on everything ever as you have shown yourself to be a man of no discerning taste whatsoever :p ;)

I'm still sticking to it being one of the worst films ever, how can something with no attack pattern other than random and no way to combat it ever make a good horror film. Part of the point is that there is a chance to survive, the film just puts it down to luck. For what it is worth I've been majorly disappointed with pretty much every recent horror film I've seen though starting with Jeepers Creepers, ploughing through Wrong Turn and so on, both films had the potential to be good but messed it up in one way or another.
lol, cheeky bugger :p

i agree on Jeepers Creepers but i enjoyed Wrong Turn a lot, too. i think i must've just been in the mood for totally mindless violence at the time i watched them, but i enjoyed both of them :)
Sic said:
i enjoyed Wrong Turn a lot, too.

Wrong Turn was fine up until 5 minutes from the end, I could have forgiven the hackneyed plot and the fact that the mountain family were near sub/superhuman but leaving it open for a sequel like that just smacks of we're going to shamelessly cash in and that grates. It isn't the only film to do it however.
You want crap horror movies? I'll give you crap horror movies

Hellraiser: Hellworld

I am a massive fan of the franchise but this is truely a rubbish movie even the presence of Lance Henriksen can't do anything to rise the level of this abomination!


I still own a copy though :o
penski said:
All three Matrix films.


I hate you so much right now :(

Ok so the second and third went a bit mental, but the first was just mind-blowingly awesome - how could you say such a thing! :(
Scam said:
I hate you so much right now :(

Ok so the second and third went a bit mental, but the first was just mind-blowingly awesome - how could you say such a thing! :(

so that people respond like that :p
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