Biggest waste of celluloid ever?

i personally thought 40yr old virgin was hillarious!

worst film for me is probably Alien vs Predator
semi-pro waster said:
I suggest you don't watch many kung fu films then, you will hate them I reckon :)

My understanding of it goes they could do those amazing stunts as expert practioners of their respective martial arts, the idea of being able to do improbable stunts is quite strong in kung fu films with spinning or even floating on air being prevalent. Wire-work being quite a large part of many of these films anyway and you have to remember this isn't designed primarily for a western audience. It was a beautiful film and I thoroughly enjoyed it but that might just be because I like films like that anyway.

For more 'realism' you could try Ong Bak which has no wire-work but no story really either and overdone slow-mo but still quite entertaining and impressive for the altheticism of Tony Jaa. For comedy I'd suggest Kung Fu Hustle, just suspend disbelief and enjoy a real feel-good film which is so over the top it is brilliant. :)

Oh, I love kung fu films and have seen both you mentioned as well as others.

Crouching tiger, hidden dragon was just crap though. As a film it had no story, little character devlopment it was just people jumping around... at least in most films part of the storyline explains why they are able to do things like run up 100 foot vertical walls but in that film they were just normal martial artists.
Solaris and Date Movie both make up probably 75% of the film's I have actually turned off/walked out of. I did watch another film 'Shadow Death Riot' at a mate's and it was almost unwatchable.
Heh, I found Jason X pretty damn hilarious in places. Surely this film wasn't trying to be serious? More of a horror/comedy I thought.

And I'm sorry, regardless of what anyone says, The Matrix IS a good film.
Valentine i have to agree with, rubbish from start to finish.

Underworld was one of my least favorite films ever! just something about it made me want to chew of my own arm so I would have something to throw at the screen.

but the worst film i have ever seen it Boat trip, its the only film I have turned off halfway through for being rubbish. HAHAHHAA straight people on a gay cruise. imagine that. I am not a fan of that kind of movie anyway but i can generally find something funny (lowest common denominator is designed for everyone to giggle) but this was like waking up to find you had been drooling all night whilst your housemate had been taking pictures and posting them on the internet but because they are bigger than you you cannot do anything about it, so you just lie in your bed for the next week rocking backwards and forwards crying yourself to sleep. It gets soo bad that you sign up to myspace and take pictures of yourself from bad angles to get the attention of anyone that will listen to you. But alas its too late, everyone has seen the pictures and you are destined to be alone for the rest of your sorry life. After Boat trip even emo kids feel sorry for you. but not sorry enough to speak to you and you are stuck in a limbo and not even death will make it better.

so thats the worst film ever.
Without a doubt: Alone in the Dark

I've seen some pretty terrible films (You got served, Battlefield Earth, Rollerball, Daredevil), but this is a whole new level of awful.

Christian Slater can't act, there's no chemistry between him and Tara Reid (and their love scenes happen for no reason whatsoever 'We hate each other' 'oh look, now we're having sex'), the opening introduction doesn't really have anything to do with the film, the plot makes no sense whatsoever and the 'evil things' that they kill keep changing to fit whatever set piece is needed ('The remote detonator isn't working, I'm going to have to set it off manually' having never mentioned a bomb). Oh and the creatures that only exist in the dark come out in the daytime at the end, randomly. Perhaps for gags.
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon is a masterpiece. End of.

But there is no film that is as bad as The Scorpion King starring The Rock.
Being Chinese I thought Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon was crap compared to all the other chinese martial arts films out. Not surprisingly it wasn't that well received in the east.

Half of the Hollywood stuff is crap imo :p
Robin Hood, Men in Tights.

The only time I've wanted to leave the cinema before the end of a film.
Dude, Where's my car. Awful.

My and a few mates are considering doing an experiement and watching the top ten worst rated movies on imdb just to see how bad they can be.

1. 1.6 Anus Magillicutty (2003)
2. 1.8 In the Mix (2005/I)
3. 1.9 Going Overboard (1989)
4. 1.9 SuperBabies: Baby Geniuses 2 (2004)
5. 1.9 From Justin to Kelly (2003)
6. 1.9 Santa with Muscles (1996)
7. 1.9 Troll 2 (1990)
8. 1.9 3 Ninjas: High Noon at Mega Mountain (1998)
9. 2.0 Car 54, Where Are You? (1994)
10. 2.0 The Honeymooners (2005)
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