Biggest waste of celluloid ever?

Sin City
Lord of the Rings trilogy
Matrix Reloaded
Matrix Revolutions,
Broken Flowers
Dawn of the dead remake
Harry Potter

Amongst others...

Mullholland Drive - Whole drivel just for one lesbian kiss?
Open Water - water, water, shark fin, water, let's drown
Fahrenheit 911 - "Your son died for nothing ma'm". It's all Charles Heston's fault, let's heckle the old man. Woooot?
Glitter - Mariah Carrey. Do I need to say more.
Bloodrayne - Whole 95 minutes of my life I will never get back.
Freddie Got Fingered....... no doubt some people thought it was funny, but I decided to go and do housework instead.

There are a few others in this thread I would probably agree with, but having only seen trailers for them I will have to take other peoples word for it. Of all the truly awful films I have ever seen, I was already 95% sure they were going to be bad but it was someone elses choice.
v0n said:
Fahrenheit 911 - "Your son died for nothing ma'm". It's all Charles Heston's fault, let's heckle the old man. Woooot?

M. Moore actually had a go at Heston in the film "bowling for columbine" not "farenheight 911". this was due to him being the head of the national gun association, and he held a pro-gun rally in columbine a short time after the massacre. So yes they heckled him.

Mulholland drive was a waste of time though you are right there :)
Curiousalien said:
M. Moore actually had a go at Heston in the film "bowling for columbine" not "farenheight 911". this was due to him being the head of the national gun association, QUOTE]
National Rifle Association dude
Mohinder said:

For me, possibly xXx. I don't get angry at bad films ordinarily but by the end of that I was positively quaking with rage.
Not wrong mate, i only managed 20 minutes before turning it off.
I'm pretty easy with films, it takes a lot for me to not enjoy it. However Zombie Flesh Eaters 2 is bloody dire. As a huge horror film and especially zombie flick fan I find that surprising.

oh yeah,... and spiceworld.
These threads always make me laugh and drive me insane at the same time.

LOTR, Crouching Tiger.....for goodness sake! I know it's personal opinion, but come on, you can't say they're bad films.....which I think is what the OP was after here.

Mind you, this thread has been pretty sensible compared to most of the past ones and there have been some real stinkers mentioned.
I saw Big Momma's House 2 many weeks ago now, and mentioned it earlier in the thread, but to this day I STILL can't get the sound of Martin 'Tool' Lawrence going 'Oooooh!...' and referring to himself in the third person at every opportunity. I nominate it again, and again.
Gilly said:
There is no worse film than 8 Crazy Nights.
Seconded as I don't think people here can really appreciate pap until they've seen this.
It's one of only 3 films that I have turned off and not finished watching because they were so bad, the other two being Whiteboyz and The Royal Tenenbaums.
Jagen said:
Seconded as I don't think people here can really appreciate pap until they've seen this.
Thank god. Someone else who has experienced at least some of it.

Truly shocking. Absolutely unbelievably bad.
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