Biggest waste of celluloid ever?

Nothing in that film makes sense. Why have to fly below the Chinese radar when they stated that the planes were invisible to Radar!!!!!!!!
Borris said:
Having just had the gut-wrenghingly, bowel-looseningly awful experience of watchin "The Legend of Zorro" on DVD, it's about time for your recommendations of the worst films that you have seen.

This needs to be the stinkers - the ones that made you walk out of the cinema - the ones that made you microwave the DVD, or give it to your Gran for Christmas.

  1. Young Einstein
  2. The Legend of Zorro
oh come on! their quite good!
Bloodrayne is infinitely worse!

can just see the director saying "and cut to them hitting the dismembered corpse" "and cue the blood sprays"

then meatloaf saying that he'd only play ball if 5 naked chicks where writhing around with him (thinking that it would never happen).

oh and thats SO not how you sharpen a sword
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Latest "A Stranger Calls" is the biggest pile of poop ive ever seen.

my lass rented it last night, (ah crap i didnt take it back)

So yeah its poo, and its now cost me £1.75 for the effort! :(
semi-pro waster said:
I'd nominate Cabin Fever as one of the worst I have ever seen, ignore the IMDB rating the only reason it should get any marks at all is because an ex-Power Ranger gets her kit off and even then it is still a pitiful film with no sense of tension and a complete lack of storyline or direction.
Which one? Pink? (I hope so!).

semi-pro waster said:
Oh and special mention goes to Crazy Beautiful for being the only film that I have really wanted to walk out of and this from someone who actually quite likes Kirsten Dunst films in the main and has yet to leave a cinema early ever. :o
I watched that in Vegas and I really enjoyed it, but it might have just been the location having me permanantly happy.
There is one film I honest to got thought was the worst ever, but the title of it would probably get me suspended. It's not because the title is mad, it's honestly because it's the biggest steaming turd of a film ever made by mankind.
Graveyard Shift, The Church and Basketcase. Oh and Rambu (a skinny dude with a piece of cloth round his head, sound familiar) Anyway he goes round killing bad guys by throwing a squash ball or something like one at their heads and stuff, absolutely **** :D
Personally I can't stand any of the Star Wars films.

And quite why it's a film since all it consists of is a constant blue screen for 79 minutes and sound effects/voices over the top, is the film 'Blue' by Derek Jarman was on tv once, quite why I started watching it I don't know.
And not one mention of "Titanic"?? truly mind bogglingly bad ,with a naff script, awful music and the crappest CGI ever seen..

As for "Solaris" well.. what do you expect when Hollywood takes a Russian classic piece of existentialist film making, and FYI a "proper" Sci Fi film, not just cowboys and injuns with spaceships, and try and make it conform to the formulaic rubbish they churn out on some endless track.?

The cinematography of the original Solaris is absolutely amazing, a true work of art..The acting is brilliantly underplayed ,the whole film is a total visual feast culminating in the final tracking shot that has been copied endlessly since it was made.

Still i doubt that will stop them trying to wreck *Stalker* as well. They probably have, but it was so far from the original I've probably seen it and didnt realise. :D :D :D
Blair Witch Project, as clever the idea is, it's not at all scary as it made out it be.

Though according to the geeks on IMDB, anything by Uwe Boll.
[edit]: Add Ringu to that aswell.
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therandom said:
Clearly none of you have seen The Mask 2.... :o

This man speaks the undeniable truth. Nothing has ever screamed out to me '****' so much. I havn't seen all of it. In fact I saw about 10 minutes of various bits of the film at therandoms house. It wasn't even so bad it was good.

I've seen around 90% of the films mentioned in this thread, and nothing ever compares to the mask 2!

And I've seen battlefield earth :o
$loth said:
Blair Witch Project, as clever the idea is, it's not at all scary as it made out it be.

Though according to the geeks on IMDB, anything by Uwe Boll.
[edit]: Add Ringu to that aswell.

Considering Uwe Boll makes all the video game movies then you acn't blame then. The funny thing is he couldn't care less about what everyone thinks as long as he's getting paid to do what he wants :D
4 pages of this thread and no one has mentioned Guy Ritchie's Revolver? :eek: The MOST confusing film I've ever seen. Jason Statham is so wooden an actor he's virtually recycled paper.:rolleyes:
NokkonWud said:
Which one? Pink? (I hope so!).

Sadly for ironies sake it appears she was the Yellow/Galaxy ranger which is rather disappointing. :)

NokkonWud said:
I watched that in Vegas and I really enjoyed it, but it might have just been the location having me permanantly happy.

If it helps to put in context when I went to see it was with a load of mates from halls and the girl who suggested it, she left sometime around half-way through and went home but neglected to say to any of us so we all stayed to the end thinking we couldn't leave her alone since it would be rather rude and the cinema was a fair distance from halls as well. Everyone apart from the girls boyfriend agreed that it was about the worst film they'd ever seen, he was a bit strange though so I wouldn't put too much weight on his opinion.

MarcLister said:
4 pages of this thread and no one has mentioned Guy Ritchie's Revolver? :eek: The MOST confusing film I've ever seen.

It isn't that bad a film, it has been a while since I've watched it but I didn't think it all that confusing, it might have been a bit odd but you could guess about half-way through what was going on. I got nothing to argue about Jason Statham's woodenness, you have that point. :)
brocksta said:
> Collateral Damage - so bad i dont even remember any of the film.

Dear God No!!! I forgot about this film, I bought it when it was released thinking that any Schwarzenneger action film had to be good... How wrong I was! Curse this film!

Seen a lot of films in this thread that I think are great, disgusting!
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