Biggest waste of celluloid ever?

Hawk The Slayer is probably the worst film I've ever seen, but because of that also one of the funniest!

Its the most hideously low budget film you'll ever see. Some of the special effects have to be seen to be believed (one clearly involves silly-string) and the entire score seems to have been done (badly) by one guy on a synthesizer. Add to that the awful acting, ridiculously bad script and sets so cheaply done that you can frequently see the top of them and in one shot part of a doorway falls down. Hilarious stuff.
Well I had a good laugh at the replies...some of the film titles crack me up :D

I have to defend Crouching Tiger, Evolution, Equilibrium, they are films I will watch again on TV or happily buy on DVD if in sales :D I got one for free in a newspaper competition recently anyway

I think we could probably have a thread on 'films we raved on about at the time and are crap now because we've grown up' - here are a few of my contenders for the title

Independence Day - you could fly one of the 15 mile craft through the plot holes :D I thought it was the best movie ever as a teenager - I went mad over this film, the CGI and SFX etc. Now to me its just gung ho Americanism with laptops which are happily able to connect with alien hardware and upload viruses without any compatibility problems :rolleyes: won't be watching that in a hurry again

Speed 2: Cruise Control - just bad, bad, bad. I enjoyed the first movie which was my first ever VHS bought movie and then they had to spoil it with this garbage. Of all the bad guys in movie history with some sort of genetic mutation / illness / fetish there had to be one with leeches :D LMAO

Titanic: warning - watch it once but never again - why are people so obsessed with this film? its over the top and the story sort of disrepects the people who died on that night with too much emphasis on the lead characters...and that soundtrack...god its awful
Welshy said:
Another one that always annoys me is Cayote Ugly, with two lead actors who cant act to save their lives.
But what is awesome is that the bars REALLY are like that. Best bar I've ever been to in my life.
Electronic Dave said:
Independence Day - you could fly one of the 15 mile craft through the plot holes :D I thought it was the best movie ever as a teenager - I went mad over this film, the CGI and SFX etc. Now to me its just gung ho Americanism with laptops which are happily able to connect with alien hardware and upload viruses without any compatibility problems :rolleyes: won't be watching that in a hurry again

I think you missed the point of the film.
It was made as a tongue in cheek B movie.
I truely hated The Life Aquatic and Starship Troopers. I felt that I had wasted a part of my life after watching those two.
Two words:

Miami Vice (2006)

I know plenty of you will like it but seriously... a 5 year old could have written the dialogue in that movie. I think it's so bad it actually sets a new level of badness for movies everywhere. But on the plus side no bad movie can now be made! When questioned about terrible acting, horrible script and cheeky camera work all a director has to say is, "Well... compared to Miami Vice..." ;)
dmpoole said:
I think you missed the point of the film.
It was made as a tongue in cheek B movie.


It was never intended for deep character development n such, it's just a whizz-bang action fest, and I think it does it brilliantly :)
moody said:
Dude, Where's my car. Awful.

My and a few mates are considering doing an experiement and watching the top ten worst rated movies on imdb just to see how bad they can be.

4. 1.9 SuperBabies: Baby Geniuses 2 (2004)
6. 1.9 Santa with Muscles (1996)
9. 2.0 Car 54, Where Are You? (1994)

Seen all of those, Superbabies was indeed TERRIBLE!!

I want to see Troll 2 just because everyone goes on about it :D
2 Fast 2 Furious. C'mon, no one really liked that did they? Terrible terrible acting, no plot, seriously bad.

Escape from LA (or was it NY? The second one, whichever it was) - the only time I've ever fallen asleep in the cinema!

Oh, and Open Water. It's not even a full length film (bout 40 minutes or sommat) and seriously wastes your time with a couple floating around doing nowt. Didn't even mention any of the theories behind what actually happened, just totally made up....
Clock another one up for Jeepers Creepers.

Was the first film that came to mind as being mind numbingly bad. It's not even so bad it's good - it goes right back round the "Good/Bad Circle of Movies" and arrives smack bang back in Bad.
Space Truckers and The Island of Dr. Moreau with Marlon Brando and Val Kilmer (1996), just a terrible films.

Omg, i cant believe the 2 wrost films of all time have not been mentioned.
House of the dead, made by sega, and probably the reason they went bust :)
Id actaully see if you could get hold of this, just for the sheer comedy value. I have never seen so many people walk out of a cinema before.. Untill
open water
This is the worst film ive ever seen, and the ending annoyed me so much as wrote to Lion gate to get me ticket money back.
Everything mentioned so far would be a delight to watch after these 2 absolute piles of dog feaces.

From personal hate, i have to say Kill bill 1 -2
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ChroniC said:
Omg, i cant believe the 2 wrost films of all time have not been mentioned.
open water
This is the worst film ive ever seen, and the ending annoyed me so much as wrote to Lion gate to get me ticket money back.

Sensible thing to do if you ask me. Fortunately I saw it at my brothers so didn't have to pay. It was a big enough waste of my life as it was, acutally paying for it though....think I might have wanted to bash my own brains in afterwards...

(beaten to it btw! ^^ :D )
ChroniC said:
Omg, i cant believe the 2 wrost films of all time have not been mentioned.
House of the dead, made by sega, and probably the reason they went bust :)
Id actaully see if you could get hold of this, just for the sheer comedy value. I have never seen so many people walk out of a cinema before.. Untill
open water
This is the worst film ive ever seen, and the ending annoyed me so much as wrote to Lion gate to get me ticket money back.
Everything mentioned so far would be a delight to watch after these 2 absolute piles of dog feaces.

From personal hate, i have to say Kill bill 1 -2

Avoid Adrift then, which is basically the sequal to Open Water. It's actually worse!
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