Bikers What Cam Do You Use?


no idea,maybe just after Christmas,coming from china,you get all those thrown in
Last edited:!the-k1/c3r6

What do you guys think innovv k1, from and rear cameras hardwire able, looping, turns on and off with ignition (also battery parking monitor option stays on while engine off using it sown battery) gps ( not sure I want that data lol) and g force sensor to auto save footage in a sudden g spike like a crash.

Got a little screen for monitoring/setting up too. And a control button for when you want to save a section.

Doesn't seem too price about 200 quod and the footage on forums seems good

ordered one of these,eken h9 cams,comes with a waterproof housing and loads of mounts £30,also ordered a spare battery and Samsung evo 32gb memory card:D

video seems better than the yi to me?

I almost ordered one the other day but I don't really need it even at £30, I do wonder how it compares against the Yi once the Yi has been focused properly, that'd be interesting.
The Yi was out of focus, by quite a bit, so not really a fair test. Also the Eken footage seemed very oversharpened, didn't look 'natural'. And you have to laugh at the '4k'... well, yes technically is does do 4k, only at 10fps though. :p what good is 10fps 4k? 2k is only 15fps too, not much better. The yi does 2k at 30fps which is actually usable.
True,but I bought it for 1080/60fps

If its crap I'll sell it and get a yi,I think it will do for now though
The Yi was out of focus, by quite a bit, so not really a fair test. Also the Eken footage seemed very oversharpened, didn't look 'natural'. And you have to laugh at the '4k'... well, yes technically is does do 4k, only at 10fps though. :p what good is 10fps 4k? 2k is only 15fps too, not much better. The yi does 2k at 30fps which is actually usable.
I suppose 4k 10fps would be good for something like a cctv security cam set up where you just want to get as clear and zoom able picture as possible but don't need full motion just try to get a face
Another budget cam out, the Gitup Git2 - what a name :p

External mic, 1080p/2k 60fps, 4k 24fps, VERY decent image quality, remote control option and £80 for the camera, a bit more with waterproof case.

The only issue is the waterproof case closing mechanism covers the external mic port, but I doubt it'll be long before a different case comes out.
I bought a Tomtom Bandit Premium. Way more money than I ever intended to spend on a cam but I hate the shape of the cheaper ones. My SJ4000 is awesome but looks silly on a helmet.

Plus if I ever want to record high quality videos to keep I guess this is ideal and it was only £110 with the £60 quid refund so bargain.

Just sorta scared to helmet mount it at the moment, unlike my other cams this is so expensive.


my Eken H9 arrived today,looks good for the money but cant test it yet as im waiting on the memory card,idk how im gonna mount it either as my helmet is weirdly shaped
yeah theres a fairly flatish spot just below the visor on the chinbar,other place is behind the flip up part towards the back/on the side

I could mount it top corner of the visor aswell,but gonna be a problem if you wanna film with the visor up haha
That's a tricky helmet, i'd suggest mounting here where i have marked and using a few connecting arms to get it into the middle like you guys suggested for me. :)

yh that's where I can mount it,but it leaves the camera tilted/lopsided but ill try a few more fittings first,it came with a few wrist straps aswell maybe I could hook one up to my rucksack strap so its just below my chin,need to test it
how you getting on with the Eken H9 wazza300?

im looking for a relatively cheap solution for a helmet cam, not sure i like the Gatso sticking off the helmet look at the moment :p
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