Bikers What Cam Do You Use?

@IC3 or tallpaul what cam did you get and case ect,i need to make a note and get one as soon as I can,have other stuff I wanna get first though
is it the same model as yours? im reading different versions and early versions suffered from poor mic/out of focus (hardware fault)
if you can show john lewis Tesco's price,then I cant see why they wont match it,they are usually good like that
isn't the case vented? supposed to stop it misting up like that

I bet a spray of that antifog for visors would work aswell
all usb are universal aren't they? regarding voltage

just hook one up to the battery or ignition and plug yourself in

ordered one of these,eken h9 cams,comes with a waterproof housing and loads of mounts £30,also ordered a spare battery and Samsung evo 32gb memory card:D

video seems better than the yi to me?

no idea,maybe just after Christmas,coming from china,you get all those thrown in
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True,but I bought it for 1080/60fps

If its crap I'll sell it and get a yi,I think it will do for now though

my Eken H9 arrived today,looks good for the money but cant test it yet as im waiting on the memory card,idk how im gonna mount it either as my helmet is weirdly shaped
yeah theres a fairly flatish spot just below the visor on the chinbar,other place is behind the flip up part towards the back/on the side

I could mount it top corner of the visor aswell,but gonna be a problem if you wanna film with the visor up haha
yh that's where I can mount it,but it leaves the camera tilted/lopsided but ill try a few more fittings first,it came with a few wrist straps aswell maybe I could hook one up to my rucksack strap so its just below my chin,need to test it
I still haven't got round to mounting it yet,I need to order some sugru

You can tell it's cheap though,and the battery life isn't that great,some folks put an sj4000 battery in which lasts longer

If I was buying again I'd buy the xiaomi yi,soon as I get it mounted I'll put up some footage
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