Bioshock Demo [The Best Bits] (Spoilers-galour)

16 Apr 2007
Hey all,

The demo has now been on the marketplace for almost 24 hours - many people have played it.

Tell us your favourite bits of the demo :)

Please NOTE - There will be many spoilers!

- Marky :)
Ahh was just about to make one, Marky should we edit the posts where I just posted this bit..

Amazing demo. The water is incredible, It's going to look even better on the PC. GOTY? EASY. My fav part of the demo was when your behind this heavy duty glass with a wireframe in it, then you see this splicer attacking a little sister so the big daddy jumps off a second floor, eyes lit up red with fury, then picks up the splicer and smashes him against a wall, drills him in the stomach then smashes him against the glass in front of you 3 times until it smashes leaving a tangled corpse dangling infront of you. To sum it up into one word. Kickass :D
Heh done :)
Just thought that after hearing your in-game tales, it would be nice to hear others best bits :)

Like I said in the other thread, that was an awesome moment ;)

My favourite is the intro, especially as you enter rachet - it's such an amazing sequence - hands down the best intro ever ;)
But my favourite moment is when you go to blue neptune and set off the flamethrower and the splicers go nuts :p
My favourite part was in the beginning when you're down in Rapture and the lift breaks, and you witness the splicer attacking someone through the glass, I had no idea what was going to happen :p Cue me frantically looking for a weapon!
Andelusion said:
My favourite part was in the beginning when you're down in Rapture and the lift breaks, and you witness the splicer attacking someone through the glass, I had no idea what was going to happen :p Cue me frantically looking for a weapon!
The erratic movement of that Splicer was pretty freaky!
I was just playing the demo again and I was on the part at the start where you walk into the lighthouse and all the lights start turning on, then bam something hit me on the head, my poster fell down.

Shook me up. :o
It felt great when I hacked the turret in the bogs and it started attacking a Splicer. It's going to be a long 10 days of waiting...
Tom|Nbk said:
Yea I have to admit I **** myself pitch black then she jumped onto the Bathysphere I thought I was a gonner :p
lol me too. I've not had a chance to even play the demo fully yet, but I cacked myself upon seeing that splicer and tried hard to move towards the rear of the sphere in fear :o
Andybtsn said:
God damn, I wish I had set this downloading this morning :(
Took about 3 hours for me last night. And I'm only on crappy northallerton tin foil adsl :)
Just finished playing it and its absolutly brilliant, the best bit for me was the intro not so much the plane crash, although very good btw. It was first seeing rapture and swimming towards it and going through that door and watching it close behind you.
Hmmm i found it very much like condemned but more of an anticlimax lol was half expecting every corner and dark bit for something to happen but it never did :/ demo was ok imo but only showed their "look at our amazing graphics" power didnt do much for the gameplay i though, enjoyed the thing with the drill mashing that guy though lol but unfortunatelly he didnt come after me was getting ready for an ass whooping :p
Its because you weren't a threat, the big daddy's job is to protect the little sister, he doesn't attack unless the little sister or himself is under threat, just another thing that makes this game amazing.

Was anyone else left thinking there are this amount of memorable cinematic moments in a 20 min demo, how many will there be in th final game? :eek: :D
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