My entirely personal recommendation would be for anyone who hasn't played Bioshock to pick it up for this price. Don't let any stupidly pathetic petty hate for GfWL stop you.
My entirely personal recommendation would be for anyone who hasn't played Bioshock to pick it up for this price. Don't let any stupidly pathetic petty hate for GfWL stop you.
Yes thats correct.Is GFWL similar to Steam? If I buy it now (am using my work laptop), will I be able to go home to my desktop and download the GFWL client and game and play it? Or is GFWL more of a "download it when you buy it" affair?
This a very good price. I have only just started playing BioShock as I bought it in the other week when it was £3.50 on Steam. Hopefully BioShock 2 will be in the Steam Christmas sale, as I didn't buy it when it was on sale in the summer.
Don't bother, it was pants - one of the biggest let-downs I've ever had with gaming!