Black shadow/line down screen

30 Dec 2003
Im still using a Samsung LE32R87BDX, which works fine except for a black shadow/line thats slowly got worse and worse down the right hand side of the screen.

Is this a sign of a tv thats on the way out?

Im planning on redecorating my room soon, so may be a good excuse to replace the tv too.
It sounds like it to me. However at one point I was watching a lot of 4:3 stuff and ended up with a line down one side. It cleared up after watching some 16:9 content.
Cant remember the last time i watched anything in 4:3, but i guess i'll just use this as a nice excuse to upgrade :D
le32r73bd owner here mine has a black shadow right down the middle :(
sometimes it's noticeable i bought it like that. i only paid 150 for it 5 years ago :D
i keep meaning to upgrade to a 42 but it is proberly more Reliable than most new sets till the wheels rock off :)
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