Blackberry BOLD 9700 - Fake?



17 May 2004
West Yorkshire
Hey guys,

i just purchased a blackberry bold 9700 from the net.

i showed it to a work mate, who has the same phone and to my surprise they looked different.

straight away he said it was a clone.

i telephoned the guy who i purchased it off and mentioned if the mobile was a clone. he obviously said no. but it was the tone of hes voice that he said it in.

i removed the battery and on the inside it says its a 9700 and shows the IMEI number.

does anyone know of a way of identifying if my blackberry bold 9700 is a clone?

It should be pretty obvious if it's a clone. Is it running BB OS? Can you log on to services like BB Messenger? I've never seen a clone device running BB OS.
It should be pretty obvious if it's a clone. Is it running BB OS? Can you log on to services like BB Messenger? I've never seen a clone device running BB OS.

The chinese do cloned versions but its nothing like the fact im pretty sure they are called blueberry rather than blackberry and the screen looks pretty terrible.

Op what do you mean they looked different...a 9700 will look the same as another might find people who have painted their 9700s a different colour or something but physically they all look the same unless you have bought a different device but the guy you bought it from has sold it as a 9700.

Take some pics and post them up and i can tell you if its a 9700 or not.
i am charging my camera battery, will upload the pics tomorrow evening.

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