Blaine fails to brake world record.

Hopefully now that he has finally failed at one his stunts the media won't keep following him around and he'll return to being a normal person instead of a self-appointed celebrity.
The Wright Stuff Today was funny - 'We are sorry to say that there was a terrible accident involving David Blaine's world record attempt, unfortunately he fail the attempted and I'm am sorry to report this but he is still alive :)
His record attempt was a load of bull anyway. Given pure oxygen you can hold your breath for much longer. What they neglected to tell people was that the world record for holding your breath underwater with pure oxygen is easily into double figures. I have no doubt in my mind he was given pure oxygen through his tube before the attempt.
pyro said:
Blaine fails to brake world record.

My goodness we need to get the motors guys in here, the amount of time car "brakes" are referred to as "breaks" has everyone spitting blood in motors - i never thought the opposite would happen! No offence pyro :p :D

My personal opinion of Blaine is that whilst he does do some fascinating stuff (occasionally), his overwhelming ostentatious "personality" buries anything impressive he does in my eyes.
He did it in New York? Why not by the River Thames again... we missed out on heckling and trying to smash the thing :o
tbh I think he's a bit of an attention whore, but some people are like that.
one day he'll do somthing like this and die, and the world won't be any better or worse for it.
Wouldnt it of been easier to try breaking the record after having a good few days rest and sleep and also not being chained up.

Having to move his arms to free the chains will just use up oxygen.

Talk about showing off.
Would have been quite a stunt if someone has smashed the tank with a sledgehammer for the finish :p
well, im not surprised tbh :p

although everyone apparently hates him, at least he'll be remembered, and everyone knows who he is. I wonder what people thought of houdini back then, its the same basic thing.

For the record, blaine has far from mastered sleight of hand ;)
Gaijin said:
My goodness we need to get the motors guys in here, the amount of time car "brakes" are referred to as "breaks" has everyone spitting blood in motors - i never thought the opposite would happen! No offence pyro :p :D

My personal opinion of Blaine is that whilst he does do some fascinating stuff (occasionally), his overwhelming ostentatious "personality" buries anything impressive he does in my eyes.

I am Greek dyslexic, cut me some slack :p
toy_soldier said:
Why do people hate him so much? Its not like you are forced to watch his stunts etc...

Ill admit he does attempt stupid stunts etc but its quite entertaining if you ask me :D
No idea. I find them entertaining too.. more so then all the reality **** that has been all over TV the last 4-5 yrs :rolleyes:

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