Bleeding a 205 diesel

25 Nov 2004
On the road....
A friend of mine has an F reg 205 D, he's changed the fuel filter today, but, despite lots of priming via the manual pump, he can't get any fuel to flow through.

Is he missing something simple?

Any advice appreciated.
Don't you need to crack the injectors off to prime up the system? Then when the pump is operated the air can escape and you tighten the injectors back up when fuel is coming from them(you can even turn it over on the key until fuel flows). Thats the way I've always been told to bleed a deisel.
There's a bleed nipple on top of the fuel pump which you need to loosen.... then squeeze away on your priming bulb until air free fuel flows from the nipple. (retighten after)

Failing that my friend just had someone else squeeze the priming bulb whilst he was turning the car over, not sure whether he was being serious or not though.
Never and i mean NEVER use the pump prima. They contain a rubber diaphram (sp?) that is hardly ever used and goes brittle. When you do use it they fracture causing air leaks and need replacing. Pugs are well dear for what they are.

Fool proof bleed method.
Crack the injector off furthest away and at the end of the lines.
Get someone to turn car over until you get a good clean squirt of Derv coming out. Time tightening the injector up at the end of a stroke. So full good squirt then crack it tight.
Then tow the car to start it. Just put the car in 3rd-2nd and tow it till it starts. You will have to tow it a fair way but don't worry just keep it in gear and it will pull through. Once started she will fire up first thing from then on.
All other methods are unreliable and lead to either a diaphram replacement or a poor starting derv motor first thing in the morning.
The pumps do not clear the air properly and lead to leak backs causing air to be at the top of the system when it's left overnight.
or you can crack all injectors off, turn over car, as a clean supply of derv comes out each injector close it with spanner,then close the next injector that derv comes out keep turning the engine over until all injectors have a airless supply of derv, job done! works on all dervs everytime and is fool proof, is a little messy though and after you start closing the first injector it will start to fire, but just keep cranking it over. will not need towing, and works all the time.
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