Blimey, promotion!

24 Nov 2005
Well that came as a bit of a shock.

Some posts (the next grade up from me) were advertised at work a couple of weeks ago - all currently filled with people on temporary promotion.

Although I didn't think I had any chance at all of getting it, I decided it would be good experience for when other posts came up in the future, so put in an application.

Got an interview, which I thought went badly, but found out today that I've got one of the posts. Crikey! Took about 5 minutes of me going "you're having a laugh?" before I actually believed that I'd got it though. :)

Scary thing is that due to some internal shennanigans, my boss (who was one of the people on temp promotion and also got through the interviews) is being moved sideways and I'm taking her job! :eek:

That's another rung up the Civil Service ladder.....better be careful or I'll end up a perm sec and get my 'K'. :p
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